1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

622 Appendix: Problem Index

Age of radioactive alloy 7.88
Source strength 7.89
Electricity generation 7.90
Carbon dating 7.91
Half life time of^55 Co 7.94
Partial half lives of^242 Pu 7.96
Chain decay 7.97
Age of earth 7.98
Activity in Curies 7.99
Rad 7.100
Diagnostic 7.101
7.2.10 Alpha-Decay
Gamow’s formula 7.102,
Minimumαenergy to force it into nucleus 7.103
Gieger–Nuttal rule 7.104
7.2.11 Beta-Decay
Beta-decay transitions 7.106
Mean lifetime 7.107, 108
Evolution of heat 7.109
Kurie plot 7.110
Energy ofe,ν& recoiling nucleus 7.111
Beta ray spectrum 7.112

Chapter 8 Nuclear Physics II

8.2.1 Atomic Masses and Radii
Mass spectroscopy 8.1, 2, 3
Mirror nuclei 8.4
Uncertainty relation 8.5
Mass of^14 O8.6

8.2.2 Electric Potential and Energy
Electrostatic energy of nucleus 8.7
Potential (r<R)8.8

8.2.3 Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moment
Rotating proton 8.9
Hyperfine structure 8.10
Magnetic resonance 8.11
NMR 8.12

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