1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

624 Appendix: Problem Index

Q-value in^30 Si (d,p)^31 Si 8.53
Q-value for inelastic scattering 8.54
Eγfor producing 5 MeV protons in Compton like scattering 8.55
Elastic and inelastic scattering of protons from^10 B8.56
Epat 90^0 from^27 Al (d,p)^28 Al 8.57
Fusion reaction 8.58
Which is unstable^17 Oor^17 F? 8.59
Energy level diagram 8.60
Neutron and hydrogen atom mass difference 8.61
Range of neutron energy in^3 H(d,n)^4 He 8.62
Forward and backward reactions 8.63
Ethresholdfor endoergic reaction 8.64
8.2.11 Cross-Sections
Neutron absorption in indium foil 8.65

(^60) Co production in reactor 8.66, 67
σ(θ) parameters 8.68
σtfor^48 Ca (α,p)8.69
8.2.12 Nuclear Reactions via Compound Nucleus
Contribution of scattering to resonance at 0.178 eV 8.70
σ(n,γ)&σ(n,α)givenΓn,Γγ,ΓαandER 8.71
8.2.13 Direct Reactions
Spin value from detailed balance 8.73

,ΔE&θin D-stripping 8.74
8.2.14 Fission and Nuclear Reactors
Production and activity of^24 Na 8.75
Production and activity of^198 Au 8.76
Energy released in fission of^238 U8.77
Spatial distribution of neutrons 8.78, 87,
88, 91
Thermal utilization factor 8.79
Critical size of bare reactor 8.80
(^235) U consumption 8.81
Fission processes/second 8.82
Annual electricity consumption in Britian 8.83
Neutron flux near reactor centre 8.83
To show=1 for neutron scattering 8.84
Neutron moderation 8.85
Criticality of homogeneous reactor 8.86
Thermal diffusion time 8.89
Generation time 8.90
Number of collisions required for thermalization of fission
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