1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

626 Appendix: Problem Index

In decayπ→μν, relation forEνin terms ofγ,Eπ,mμ,mπandθ 9.31
Transport of sigma hyperon beam 9.32
Total decay width of muon from electron energy spectrum,
Ee(max) and muon helicity


Disparity in lifetimes ofπ+andπ^0 , equality of masses ofπ+and
π−but difference in masses of
Σ+andΣ−, lifetime ofΣ^0 much smaller thanΛandΞ^0 9.34
Identification of a neutral unstable particle from momenta and
angular measurements of decay products


9.2.5 Ionization Chamber, GM Counter and Proportional Counters
Dead time of counting system 9.36, 45
Energy ofαsource and ion pairs in ionization chamber 9.37
Rate of entry of beta particles in ionization chamber 9.38
Gas multiplication in proportional counter 9.39
Pulse height in proportional counter 9.40
Plateau of G.M. counter 9.41
Maximum radial field of a G.M. tube and its lifetime 9.42
Distance from anode at which electron gains enough energy to
Argon in one MFP. 9.43
Difference in efficiency of G.M. and scintillation counters 9.44
Leakage resistance in a dosimeter 9.46
Maximum voltage for avalanche 9.47
Potential of an electrometer 9.48
9.2.6 Scintillation Counter
Time of flight method 9.49
Discovery of antiproton 9.50
Pulse height 9.51
Average size and standard deviation 9.52
Dead time of multichannel pulse height analyser 9.53
Electron multiplication per stage 9.54
Gamma ray spectrum of^22 Na 9.55
Half-width at half-maximum of photopeak 9.56
Standard deviation of energy and coefficient of variation of energy 9.57
9.2.7 Cerenkov Counter
Identification of kaons and pions of same energy 9.58, 61
Speed of electron 9.59
mc^2 in terms ofpandθ 9.60
Number of Cerenkov photons produced 9.62
Length of gas counter 9.63
Threshold Cerenkov counter 9.64
9.2.8 Solid State Detector
Potential from alpha particle absorption 9.65
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