1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

628 Appendix: Problem Index

9.2.14 Linear Accelerator
Length and number of drift tubes 9.99
Average beam current and power output in SLA 9.100
Output energy after the fifth drift tube and total length 9.101
Length of longest tube operating at known frequency and
maximum energy


9.2.15 Colliders
Luminosity calculation 9.103
μ+μ−pair production 9.104
E^2 CM= 4 E 1 E 2 9.105
Comparision of available energy in fixed target machines and

9.106, 107

Calculation of CMS energy for HERA accelerator
(electron–proton collider)


CMS energy in a collider with a crossing angle 9.109

Chapter 10 Particle Physics 2

10.2.1 Conservation Laws
Interactions allowed and force involved 10.1
Strong, em or weak interactions 10.2, 4
Kaon momentum from known values of pion momenta 10.3
ρ^0 →π+π−allowed but notρ^0 →π^0 π^0 10.5
Allowed decays of omega minus 10.6
Interactions and relative coupling strength 10.7
Transform of various physical quantities under P and T operation 10.8
Deuteron exists in^3 S 1 and^3 D 1 states 10.9
ρ→η+πandω→η+πare forbidden 10.10
Disparity in lifetimes ofρ^0 &K^0 andΔ^0 &Λ 10.11
Decay modes ofρ^0 by strong & em reactions 10.12
Parity of u & d-quarks 10.13
Hyperon decays by weak interactions 10.14
Parity ofK−meson 10.15, 40
Definition of hadron, Lepton, baryon, Meson, wavelength of
photon in decay ofπ^0


10.2.2 Strong Interactions
Distance of travel ofΔ++; lifetime of W-boson 10.17
Analysis of pion-proton scattering via isospin amplitudes 10.18
Inequality in cross-sections for pion-proton scattering 10.19
Branching ratios forΔ+→pπ^0 &Δ+→nπ+ 10.20
Isospin of X+(1520) 10.21
Decay ofρ-meson 10.22
Isospin states of three pions 10.23

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