1000 Solved Problems in Modern Physics

(Romina) #1

630 Appendix: Problem Index

Mass of exchanged boson from variation ofσ(νe−→νe−) 10.64
Number ofW+→e+νeevents inpp−annihilation 10.65
Cabibbo’s theory to explainD+→K ̄^0 μ+νμand
D+→π^0 μ+νμ


RatioΓ(Σ−→n ̄eνe)/Γ(Σ−→Λe ̄ν ̄e) 10.67
Branching fraction forτ−→e ̄νeντ, from lepton universality 10.68
Sergent’s law of beta decay 10.69
Allowed and forbidden weak decays 10.70
Use of spurion for hyperon decays 10.71, 73
ΔI= 1 /2 rule forΣhyperon decays 10.72
Flux of neutrinos received on earth 10.74
Neutrino mass from observations of supernova 10.75
Properties of particle X from its decay 10.76
Parity violation in alpha decay of^16 O 10.77
Tauon lifetime from muon lifetime 10.78
Feasibility of two-pion decay ofω^0 ,η^0 ,f^0 10.79
Non-existence ofη→ 4 πdecay 10.80
RatiosΓ(ρ^0 ):Γ(ω^0 ):Γ(φ^0 ) from Van Royen–Weisskopf


Classification of D+decay as Cabibbo
allowed/suppressed/forbidden interaction

10.82, 83

Allowed decays for K−,Ξ^0 ,Ω− 10.84
Allowed and forbidden decays ofK^0 andK
Oscillation of muon neutrino 10.86, 87
Universality of weak coupling constant 10.88
Non-existence of decayΣ+→ne+νe 10.89
Relative decay rates ofD+→K
μ+νμ&D+→π^0 μ+νμ 10.90
Starting with pure beam ofK^0 ’s att=0tofindI(K^0 )&I(K
at timet


Regeneration phenomenon ofKs 10.92
10.2.6 Electroweak Interactions
Criterion for the existence of neutral current interaction 10.93
Number of neutrino generations 10.94
Experimental signatures forWandZ^0 bosons 10.95
Masses ofWandZbosons from Salam–Weinberg theory 10.96
10.2.7 Feynman Diagrams
τ+→μ+νμντ,K−+p→Ω−K+K^0 ,D
→K+π− 10.97
l+n→e−+p,τ−→μ−l ̄l,B^0 →D−μ+l 10.98
Δ^0 →pπ−,Ω−→ΛK− 10.99
e+e−→νμνμ,D^0 →K−π+ 10.100
Moller scattering, Bhabha scattering 10.101
Λ→pe−νe,D−→K^0 π− 10.102
π−p→K^0 Λ,e+e−→B

B^0 10.103
Effective coupling inK−→μ−ν ̄μγ 10.104
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