Toulouse (cont.):
prévôt of 169
Touraine 118, 121, 123, 149, 157, 220
bailliage of 285
Tournai 56, 58, 115
Tours 23, 47, 48, 51, 55, 194
archbishop of 123
bailliof 125
church of Saint-Martin of 121, 125
complaints against castellan of 157
dean of 161
estates-general at 237
towns, stette108, 115, 222
estates and governments of 229
leagues of 103, 107
magistrates of 54
peace oaths in 101
representatives of, in estates-general 232
see also boroughs; communes
townsmen 58, 157, 226–231
trailbaston, see justices
travellers and traders, special protection for
73–4, 77, 92, 104, 150, 216, 221
treachery 114
treason 38, 116, 172, 208, 267, 269–70
treasons, statute of 246
treasury, royal 114, 158, 177, 274, 318
treaties 168, 240
Très Ancien Coutumier of Normandy 191,
Tresilian, Robert, chief justice 268
trespass against the king’s peace 137, 159,
172, 175–8, 183–4, 187, 243–4
complaints of 179–80, 247
enormous 245–6, 248
of officials 178, 181
writs and actions of 98, 216, 218, 243–4
Treviso 90
trial 33
by battle 30, 50–1, 54–5, 59–60, 67, 92,
122, 124, 130, 136–7, 162, 164
by jury 136–7, 247
by ordeal 33, 5–5, 57, 74, 76, 92, 136–7
of petitions 180, 182
see alsojudgment of God
Trier 205
bishopric of 94
advocate from 285
Grands Jours at 167
treaty of 282
breaking 241
five-year, imposed by king of France 147
of God 73, 79, 86, 127
perpetual 74, 80
see also peace of God
trust, breach of 137, 182
Turin 35
Turkey 16, 293–4
Tuscany 91
Tyndale, franchise or liberty of 217, 220
tyranny 3, 258, 272, 322–3
Tynemouth, prior of 216, 218
Ulm 95
union of the crowns of England and
Scotland 331
of the masters and scholars of Paris 61,
115, 169
of Swiss valleys 105
university degrees 290
Unterwalden 105
Urban II, pope 74
usury 117, 125, 128, 150, 158, 166, 222–3,
utility, see common
Utrecht 87
Uri 105
utrum, assize of 130
vagabonds 249, 307
Val-ès-Dunes, battle of 78
Valcontart, Simon de 124
Valence, Louis of 4
Valois kings 283–4
vassals 44, 48, 54, 72, 84, 165
vavassors 93, 222
Vendôme 51
Geoffrey of 161
Venice 275, 313
verdicts (veredicta) 34, 92, 155–6
Verdun-sur-Saône 70
Vergil, Polydore 317
Vermandois 220
bailliageof 118, 149, 285
baillisof 157, 161, 164
courts of 164
Verneuil 219
bailliage of 118
Vernon, castle of 124
Vexin, count of 206
viarius 55
vicaria, vigeria,voirie54–5, 59, 61–3,
vicarii,viguiers,voyers24, 43, 46, 49–53,
Victor IV, antipope 88–9, 91, 205
Vienna 100
Vikings, see Danes, Norsemen
village courts 53
Villani, Giovanni 5
390 Index