AJAX - The Complete Reference
Chapter 4: Data Formats 141 PART I On the server side, the PHP first checks if the Content-Transfer-Encoding is set and if it is ...
142 Part I: Core Ideas beyond the x-www-form-urlencoded format, but you are free to do so if you like. As a final example, you m ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 143 PART I Given that it is easy to figure out the format of a file upload, it might seem that it would ...
144 Part I: Core Ideas Now, looking at the interesting part of the codes, some familiar ideas emerge. First, a boundary is creat ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 145 PART I A network trace of the example running in Firefox 2 is found in Figure 4-5. Someday it is lik ...
146 Part I: Core Ideas Response Formats Our discussion of response formats begins with the same general point as the request for ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 147 PART I You can then take that value and directly load it into the page using innerHTML: var response ...
148 Part I: Core Ideas CSV In the previous section, you saw that a very simple text format such as a comma-separated value (CSV) ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 149 PART I themselves or add some other header to indicate it. It is true there are browser MIME type co ...
150 Part I: Core Ideas With the data now in hand, populate the page in a similar fashion as previous examples: /* add to page */ ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 151 PART I And consumption is simply a matter of evaluating the responseText as code (http:// ajaxref.co ...
152 Part I: Core Ideas If you are creating the data to be evaluated, this is most likely safe. If the user is creating it and yo ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 153 PART I <votes id=\"votes\">$votes</votes> </pollresults>"; echo $message; While th ...
154 Part I: Core Ideas When the XML data is received on the client side, you would read the contents of the XHR’s responseXML pr ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 155 PART I Well-formedness only addresses if an XML response is correct in its basic syntax, but it says ...
156 Part I: Core Ideas $message = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> <!DOCTYPE pollresults [ <!ELEMENT pol ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 157 PART I The lack of validation of XML markup removes one of its great advantages as a data format, th ...
158 Part I: Core Ideas What about Internet Explorer? Well, it turns out for XML references, you need to use IE’s own special nod ...
Chapter 4: Data Formats 159 PART I You can verify for yourself that this technique works in Firefox, Opera, and Safari using the ...
160 Part I: Core Ideas } return null; } var xmlDoc = xhr.responseXML; var average = bruteGetElementById("average", xmlDoc).first ...
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