AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1


Chapter 7: Security Concerns 293

Ajax Security Differences

How much does Ajax change any of the previous discussion of Web application security? The
answer is not much or lots, depending on the precision of your language and the specifics of
attack. Let’s start first with an obvious point that is expanded a bit too much in the trade
media and by those looking to make noise about security: the insecurity of innovation.
Like any new technology, Ajax has important security concerns. Some of these concerns
are admittedly situational; however, since it is a new technology, the various kinks and holes
may not have been worked out yet. Furthermore, given that Ajax is still relatively new, at
least to the majority of the development public, its new converts may have to spend more
time trying to understand what they can do with it than worrying about all the possible
things that might go wrong or could be exploited. Past hard-learned lessons from a site or
application compromise are simply forgotten in the rush to see what a new technology like
Ajax can do. The fact that Ajax has introduced insecurity in this manner is not at all unique to
the technology—it is just a common occurrence that you will remember if you are old
enough to have observed other technological introductions on the Web or elsewhere. This
concern could be dubbed the insecurity of innovation and we encourage readers not to place
too much emphasis on it as a fundamental problem of Ajax, as in time it will pass.
Beyond this ongoing tension between technological innovation and possibility of
exploitation, you see the simple effect of complexity. Again another simple security truism
appears: complexity tends to promote insecurity. In systems with too many moving parts, it is
difficult for developers and testers alike to cover all the possible ways something may be
compromised. Ajax certainly does add complexity to Web development and thus it may
introduce security concerns. There are several technologies in an Ajax application that make
up the whole, but in the building of these applications, there are often clear divisions stated

Attack Name Goal How It Is Performed

CSRF (Cross
Site Request

To get a user to
execute a request
to a server (often
one that requires
on the hackers
behalf. Goals
might range from
retrieving sensitive
user information
to executing a
command such
as changing a
password on
the system the
intruder wishes to

Similar to XSS, the intruder
has inserted some form of
content into a trusted site,
often via a message board or
comment system. In this case
the insertion is a request to
some other site often using a
<script> or <img> tag. The
request will be made using any
authentication credentials of the
viewing user.

Same as XSS, filter input
to disallow tags or other
mechanisms to issue
requests and escape any
tags allowed upon output.

Employ some form of
basic request check such
as a Referer header
check to ensure the
request made is within
the context of a legitimate
user visit and not issued
from some other location.

TABLE 7-3 Sampling of Attacks Focused on Gaining or Abusing User Credentials (continued)
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