AJAX - The Complete Reference

(avery) #1

292 Part II: Developing an Ajax Library^

Attack Name Goal How It Is Performed

Phishing /
false login

To have a user
disclose their

Convince a user to visit a
compromised or evil site
disguised to look like the login
screen of the site to attack.
Hope the user is not aware they
are not at the correct site and
that they enter their credentials.

Educate users.

Provide a unique aspect
of the site that might be
customized to the user
which would be difficult to

Modify browser to show
location clearly or indicate
known phishing site.

To copy credentials
of another user to
assume or view
their session or

With a network sniffer on a
compromised network segment,
the intruder may be able to view
session data such as cookies
and simply copy it. If session
cookies, URLs, or hidden fields
are predictable, the intruder
may simply derive an upcoming
value and wait until it matches
a user. Finally, an intruder may
get a user to divulge their cookie
via some JavaScript exploit
(see XSS), an intrusion on the
client system or through a social
engineering situation.

Use SSL encryption for

Make sure your
sessionization system is
strongly random.

Provide short time limits
for session liveliness and
if possible bind the values
to browser or IP address
to avoid replay attacks.

Avoid echoing sensitive
information to screen
in case a session is
compromised, and
consider adding second
forms of authentication.
XSS (Cross-
site Scripting)

To get user to
execute code that
the intruder wrote
under their own
security context,
often in aim of
stealing a cookie
or performing a
script action on the
intruder’s behalf.

Intruder is able to submit
JavaScript code to a trusted
server that the user will later
download and run. The most
common place XSS happens
is on a message board or
comment system where the
intruder submits a script that a
future reader will later run when
they view the page. Considering
that JavaScript can access
cookies, this is one method for
an intruder to steal a user’s

Input filtering is certainly
part of dealing with XSS
attacks, but escaping
output should also be
employed so the script
cannot be run.

Avoid cookies or use
HTTP-only cookies.

TABLE 7-3 Sampling of Attacks Focused on Gaining or Abusing User Credentials (continued)
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