The Rice Diet Renewal: A Healing 30-Day Program For Lasting Weight Loss

(Kiana) #1

220 the rice diet renewal

beliefs and how they contribute to your physical health or disease.
Throughout these chapters, you ’ ve seen many examples of how
we all experience physical manifestations as outward refl ections of
our internal state of being. At the Rice Diet Program, I have wit-
nessed this truth again and again. And, thankfully, I have also
witnessed profound healings.
By now, I am sure that most people are convinced that they feel
healthier when they are in touch with their emotional, mental,
and spiritual selves. Conversely, they feel out of sorts or unhealthy
when they become unbalanced in their natural way of being. I ’ ve
noticed that people who experience recovery and healing tend to
heal when they have a sense of hope, faith, and belief in the out-
come that they desire. This holds true even with someone who
is suffering from a terminal or a supposedly incurable disease or
mental illness. Although it may seem paradoxical to view oneself as
healthy no matter what the circumstances, to do so can co - create
a state of peace, which in turn can lead to healing, typically on an
emotional level. Yet this often results in a physical healing as well.
Healing is an amazing mystery, though. As I write these sug-
gestions and generalizations, I can also think of cases where the
opposite was true: numerous people became healed who were not
hopeful, faithful, or believers (in whatever modality we were prac-
ticing), but they did show up, which exhibits some willingness to
change! We can never fully know how individual people will best
be healed or whether they will be or the answers to the why and
when questions that follow. We do, however, usually see in healings
an active participation of the individuals ’ will, as they desire and
seek the Creative Force of the Universe or the power that exists
that is greater than their own.
Although most Rice Diet participants are able to receive dramatic
healing with the Rice Diet Program teachings and experientials
described thus far, some of our participants, including myself, have
also used other exceptional complementary healing methods and
venues of spiritual healing and energy medicine. In Donna Eden ’ s
classic book Energy Medicine , she beautifully simplifi es and illu-
minates this complex and mysterious subject by starting with the

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