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appB JWBK182-McDowell April 25, 2008 16:29 Printer: Yet to come
The Trader’s
Assistant Record
Keeping System
ncluded in this appendix are all The Trader’s Assistant, by Traders
Coach.com, blank forms, trade posting cards, and trade ledgers. You
can photocopy and start using them right from the book. When you
photocopy the pages from this book, you will want to enlarge them to fit
the final layout size.
It is best to three-hole punch the ledgers so that you can put them into
a binder. The trade posting cards work best printed on index stock; your
local copy shop should be able to cut them to size for you. We’ve indicated
what the final layout sizes are for both the ledgers and the cards.
Here is a list of the forms included:
1.Annual Trade Ledger, front, Figure B.1 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
2.Monthly Trade Ledger, front, Figure B.2 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
3.Weekly Trade Ledger, front, Figure B.3 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
4.Daily Trade Ledger, front, Figure B.4 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
5.Daily Worksheet, front, Figure B.5 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
6.All Ledgers, back, Figure B.6 (final size is 8 1/2′′× 11 ′′)
7.Futures Trade Posting Card, front, Figure B.7 (final size 8′′× 5 ′′)
8.Stocks Trade Posting Card, front, Figure B.8 (final size 8′′× 5 ′′)
9.Options Trade Posting Card, front, Figure B.9 (final size 8′′× 5 ′′)
10.All Posting Cards, back, Figure B.10 (final size 8′′× 5 ′′)
11.Trading Scorecard Figure B.11.