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(singke) #1

Please see that the numeral sign appears before the entire operation but after the plus
sign, there is no need to insert the numeral sign again.

Base Code 3: Dots 3 and 6
Minus ( )

The minus sign in Nemeth code is indicated by dots 3 and 6 which also resemble the visual
sign of minus. Using the minus sign between letters and numbers is illustrated as follows:

a - b = , 9 - 5 =

Though minus is the general code for dots 3 and 6, it is also used for ‘hyphen’ and long or
short dash. Therefore it is contextual. For hyphen, dots 3 and 6 in single braille cell
should be used whereas for short dash, hyphen sign in two cells should be used. For long
dash more cells need to be used. The dots configurations are as follows:

Hyphen - Short dash -

Long dash -

See that the visual closure of the short dash and long dash resemble the corresponding
visual signs “ ” and “ ”.

Base Code 4: Dot 6

Mathematical Comma ( )

In the number 1,456, the comma inserted between the numbers indicates the place value
and it is called a mathematical comma.

1,456 =

Dot 6 is used for single capitilisation indication. For example, (a) is written as whereas

“A” is written as. In addition to these connotations, dot 6 when used with other

mathematical codes have different connotations, which we shall study in the subsequent

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