Final Cover - For Printing

(singke) #1

  1. Quotient
    The result obtained by dividing one number by the other is called the quotient. The
    idea may be explained orally supported by relevant text material in Braille.

  2. Remainder
    The number which is left over when one number does not exactly divide into another
    is termed as the remainder. The idea may be explained through calculation of the
    above problem.

  3. Area
    The measure of a region or the amount of the surface which any object occupies is
    called the area of that object.

The child may be asked to keep his Braille slate atop of a table and he/she be asked to
explore the top surface of the table and the space occupied by the slate. Now the
child may be explained that the space occupied by the slate is its area.

  1. Perimeter
    The continuous line forming the boundary of a closed figure is called the perimeter.
    In the case of a square, perimeter equals four times its side, and for the rectangle
    perimeter equals twice the sum of its length and the width. In the case of a circle, the
    perimeter is called the circumference and can be calculated by using the formula
    ‘2πr’, where ‘r‘ is the radius of the circle.

The idea of perimeter may be explained orally first. Then the child may be exposed to
the practical method of finding the perimeter of polygons such as the square and
rectangle by actually measuring with thread and compare it by using formulae.

  1. Geometry
    Geometry is a branch of mathematics which deals with the study of properties of
    figures and shapes and the relationship between them.


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