What Every BODY Is Saying : An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed Reading People

(Brent) #1


pupillary constriction, 172 , 172–75
pursed lips
disagreement causing, 189–92,
problematic issue causing, 11

raised eyebrows, 181–82
“rapport building,” 209 –10
real smile, 186–87, 187
Reesam, Ahmed, 24
Reeser, Marc, 173
regal stance, 117
restrained arm behavior, 115
restraining behavior, 82
restricted movement, 112–15
risorius, 187
rogatory position, 227–29, 228
rolling of the eyes, 199
romance, 72–73
roving eyes, 183

security force, 154
self-restraint, 112
sensuous pleasure, 127
“shake and wait” approach, 75
shaky hands, 145–47
shielding behaviors, of children, 94
shoplifters, 115
rise, 105–6
shrug, 104–5, 105, 230
of comfort responses, 182–83, 211–13,
of discomfort responses, 213–18
of low confidence, 175

of nonverbal behavior, 233–34
of stress, 197–98
silent language, xiv
“situational awareness,” 8 –10
barometer, 186
false, 186–87, 187, 216
lines, 196–97
real, 186–87, 187
the sneer, 192 , 192–93
social harmony, 89, 132
social interactions, 31
social survival tool, 208
society, 206–7
socioeconomic status, 129
sounds, 45
spatial needs, 68
hand movement of, 134–35
looking away from, 182–83
splay behavior, 101–3, 102
spreading out, 229–30
squinting, 168, 174 –75
different meanings of, 176
as eye-blocking, 172 , 172–75, 174 –75
starter’s position, 65, 66
steepling, hand, 148 , 149
high confidence behavior of, 147–50
liars using less, 226
stomach, upset, 96
dishonesty and, 208
ejector seat position indicative of,
freeze mode under, 80–81, 82
hand displays of, 157–61
heaving chest during, 103–4
isolating causes of, 222
jaw tightening indicating, 167–68
limbic system and, 144–45
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