...Capricorn.... Jupiter ..... Mars ...... Sun
...Aquarius..... Venus ....... Mercury ... Moon
...Pisces....... Saturn ...... Jupiter ... Mars
The other method employs the Ruler of the Sign as specifically the Ruler of the First Decan,
with the Second and Third Decans associated with the Rulers of the other two Signs of the
same triplicity. Thus the First or Aries Decan of Aries is ruled by Mars; the Second or Leo
Decan, by the Sun; and the Third or Sagittarian Decan, by Jupiter. This gives this series:-
and so on.
Decatom: a Dichotome (q.v.).
Decile: v. Quintile.
Declination. The manner of indicating distance N. or S. of the Celestial Equator. The maximum
possible declination of the Sun is 23° 28' which occurs at the Solstices, when the Sun passes the
Tropics (0°) of Cancer and Capricorn, the limit of the pole's greatest inclination from the plane
of the Earth's orbit. The first degrees of Aries and Libra have no declination, since at these points
the ecliptic intersects the equator. However, planets at this longitude may have declination. (v.
Celestial Sphere.)
The declination of a body whose longitude and latitude are known is found by this formula:
- Radius (10,000): Tangent of Ecliptic (23° 27'):: sine of longitudinal distance from equinox:
tangent of Angle A. - Cosine of Angle A: cosine (latitude plus/minus 90°- minus Angle A):: cosine of Ecliptic
Obliquity (23° 27'): sine of the Declination. (In this equation the latitude is taken from go, if the
latitude and longitude are of different denomination; but when of the same denomination they
are added, and from this sum Angle A is subtracted.)
The Moon, Mercury, Mars reach a declination of 27° north, and on rare occasions Venus reaches