(Darren Dugan) #1

achieving such long term motivation of the employees. The need for integrating career
development in HRD program is not only to motivation the employee to stay longer with
the organization but the impact of such motivation also adds to the learning pace of the
employees As adult learning is different compare to child learning, demanding more
logical connection to what they have already learnt or what impact any such learning
could produce, therefore in such a circumstances the career need would attend to such
logic. If the TNA would also reflect their career need then the individual would learn

H: 3: Higher is the focus on implementation of Organizational Development Strategies

faster would be the process of Career Development

In light of the information collected it was found that the category ‘B’ organization are
more concerned about the procedures rather than the criteria for example their staff
selection criteria shows no pattern and are mostly based on senior management
discretion. Most of the responses received to this question highlight that there is not set
criteria and candidates are selected to any training just as an appreciation for a task well
done. Again selection to a training based on seniority means that the individual is already
experienced and being at a senior position will have little time left to be with that
organization and make effective use of the knowledge received from training.
The juniors who are left out of such opportunities and who actually need it are
unable to improve their performance and the process is left to the course of time. This
means these organizations are not much concerned with the quality of output at the lower
level. Again training senior staff would not contribute much to quality as absorption of
knowledge at senior age is low and the individual has already achieved a certain level of
performance through experiences. Looking at the table again we find that selection
criteria highlighting qualified candidates and senior management discretion conform to
the fact that improvement of quality of output is not the motive behind such trainings.
Looking at the category ‘A’ responses most of the criteria listed for staff selection
can eventually be seen as factors relating to enhancing performance level. In cases where
employees identify the need for their training means that these employees will definitely
reflect their learning from training in their performance. Factors like L&D plan and

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