(Darren Dugan) #1

Table# 18

Response to Formal Support to Career Development

Do you favor formal support by the organization to individual career development?

Frequency Percent
Valid 29 70.7
yes 12 29.3
Total 41 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q.4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

Table# 18 highlights that the data listed in this table has 70.7% validity. The data of
table#18 shows that 29.3% of the responses were in support of providing formal
assistance to the individuals in their career development. No negative response was
received for this question which could be interpreted as a strong support to taking up the
process formally by the organization. This indicates that even if they are not extending a
formal support to the process, still the senior management feels need for the formal
implementation of such activities.

Table# 19

Level Identification for Career Development Support

If yes, then please identify to what extent?

y Percent
Valid 29 70.7
a 1 2.4
b 3 7.3
c 8 19.5
Total 41 100.0

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