(Darren Dugan) #1

The above table shows that 41% responses say that they have received training in their
present organization of work. Whereas, 52% say that they have not received any training
after joining their present organization of work. This means that majority has not received
any training after joining their present organization of work.

Table # 3-C
Frequency of Trainings
If yes, please list the number

Frequency Percent
Valid 39 61.9
1 6 9.5
2 5 7.9
3 6 9.5
4 4 6.3
5 1 1.6
6 2 3.2
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 4: What are the individuals’ expectations in terms of support from the
organization towards career development process?

The above table shows a validity of 61.9% for the responses listed in the above table. The
number of trainings received by the respondents could be related to the time spent in the
organization. In this case the table listed in appendix IV that shows the tome period spent
at the organization shows that most of the staff is newly recruited. Therefore, here is a
possibility that the reason for not receiving a high number of trainings is because they
have not yet spend enough time in that organization which in many cases is less than 6

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