(Darren Dugan) #1

that the impact of trainings is multidimensional and is not only for the purpose to increase

Table # 24-C
The Type of Impact Created by Training
If yes, then please mention in what way?

y Percent
Valid 59 93.7
e 4 6.3
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?

The above table shows the data for the last option to the question of how training has
created positive impact on the work of the staff. The table highlights that 6.3% has opted
for ā€œdā€ representing any other impact. This means that according to the table 20-C, 21-C,
22-C and 23-C majority of the individuals are clear about the kind of impact the trainings
have created on their work and a very small portion of respondents are not clear though
they understand the positive impact of the training.

Table # 25-C
Knowledge Sharing Practice within the Organization
Have you been sharing your learning with your other colleagues?

Frequency Percent
Valid 7 11.1
no 3 4.8
yes 53 84.1
Total 63 100.0

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