According to table 26-C, 27-C and 28-C we find that 57.1 % has identified their sharing
of information in the form of (a)guiding their colleagues at work, 28.6% has indicated
that they motivate their colleagues for quality work(b) and 42.9% has indicated that they
share their knowledge by providing work support(c). This means that majority has
identified their sharing of knowledge through choosing multiple options showing the
multidimensional use of their information sharing.
Table # 29-C
Knowledge Sharing Strategy
If yes, how? ( sharing learning)
(d) sharing work pattern
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Table # 29-C is an extension of the same response as given for how the staff shared their
learning? The table shows 36.5% of the respondents has chosen “a” and “d” which means
that these respondents share their learning through guiding their colleagues and sharing
their work pattern with them. This means that their sharing of information is contributing
towards effectiveness of the process.
Frequency Percent
Valid 40 63.5
a 1 1.6
d 22 34.9
Total 63 100.0