enhance the effectiveness of the process as learning with motivation has far more impact
than the one without it.
Table #44-C
Performance Feedback
Have you ever received any feedback on your performance from any source at the
y Percent
Valid 5 7.9
no 12 19.0
yes 46 73.0
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?
According to the above table the validity of the responses listed I it is 7.9%. In this table
19.0% responded negatively to getting any feedback on their performance from any
source. 73.0% has confirmed that they have been getting feedback about their
performance from some sources within their organization. This means that majority of
the staff are concerned about how their performance is viewed by others. This means that
they are always looking for clues how to improve their performance in the light of
information received from different sources.