(Darren Dugan) #1

In the above tables # 39-C, 40-C, 41-C and 42-C shows different responses as how the
capacity development of the staff can contribute to the over all organization
improvement. In table 39-C, 71.4% of the responses indicated that their development will
add to their efficiency and affectivity at work. In table 40-C 42.9% responses highlighted
that their development will aid in introducing new intervention in the organization, which
means that they could be a catalysts in such processes. In table 41-C 31.7 % pointed that
they would be able to extend more support to their colleagues. According to table 42-C
38.1% said that it will increase their understanding of their work. This reflects that all
these activities directly adds to organizational performance which a direct contribution
towards organizational development.

Table# 43-C
Skill Improvement Need for Present Job
Do you feel the need for further improvement in your skills to match your present

y Percent
Valid 5 7.9
no 5 7.9
yes 53 84.1
Total 63 100.0

Interpretation and analysis

Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?

Table 43% shows that validity of the responses received for the need of further
improvement in skills is 7.9%. 7.9% responded negatively to such a felt need, whereas,
84.1% responded positively to the need for further improvement. This means that
majority of the staff members think that there is always room for enhancing their skills,
which is also a predominant thought in all the organizational processes and activities.
This also means that including individuals’ felt need in HR development process could

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