Table # 45-C
Frequency of Performance Feedback
If yes, then how often?
y Percent
Valid 40 63.5
1 9 14.3
12 2 3.2
2 6 9.5
3 2 3.2
4 1 1.6
6 2 3.2
8 1 1.6
Total 63 100.0
Interpretation and analysis
Study: Q.5: Why career development should be integrated in organization’s Human
Resource Development process?
The above table shows the validity of response highlighting the frequency of getting
feedback which is 63.5%. In the above table shows that majority of the staff members
have not responded to this question and in total 35.6% individuals have responded to how
frequently they are getting feedback from some source in the organization. This means
that 73.0% who has confirmed to getting feedback as in table 44-C among them only
35.6% of the staff is getting such feedback and the rest of the individuals are not
practicing it. It could also be interpreted as the feed those 73.0% is getting is only in the
form of their performance appraisal which is not by choice.