Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Table # 32- D shows that the validity for the data listed in it is 10.6%. According to the
table 89.4% of the respondents said that they share their learning with their colleagues
and the rest did not respond to this question. This means that majority understand that
even if they are not doing it still they feel ethically bound to do so.
Knowledge Sharing Strategy
If yes, how?
Table# 34-D(guiding them at work) Table# 35-D (Motivating for quality)
y Percent
Valid 29 43.9
A 36 54.5
S 1 1.5
Total 66 100.0
Table# 36-D (providing work support) Table# 37-D (sharing work pattern)
Interpretation and analysis
Study Q. 2: How does career development contribute towards organizational
development and vice versa?
Reflecting upon table # 33-D, 34-D, 35-D and 36-D we see that 54.5% of the responses
has highlighted sharing of information in the form of guiding their colleagues at work.
y Percent
(^30) 45.5
B 36 54.5
Total 66 100.0
y Percent
Valid 36 54.5
c 30 45.5
Total 66 100.0
y Percent
Valid 36 54.5
D 30 45.5
Total 66 100.0