(Darren Dugan) #1

training will have partial impact on their future jobs and some (34.8%) are expecting that
it would contribute fully in their future jobs.
This helps us establish the facts that the staff working in learning organizations
are more equipped with the skills and knowledge to take up added responsibilities of the
same nature as compare to the conventional organizations. In addition to this according to
the perceptions of employees of the learning organization, their trainings on the present
jobs are relevant to their career line so it will help them also in their future jobs.
Table # 54-C and 55-C of the learning organization reflect upon the nature
expectations of the individuals from their organization in terms to the organizations’
commitment to the process. According to the interpretation we find that majority (75.8%)
wants that the organizations should formally commit to the process of career
development by including it in the contract. 71.4% of the staff thinks that the
organizations should help them choose the right track for their career development.
The interpretation of the table # 61-D and 62-D of the conventional organizations reveals
that again majority (81.8%) of the staff want that the organization should commit
formally by including the career development aspect in their contract but only 62.1%
asked for organizational support with choosing their career line. This shows that they do
want support from the organization but some are reluctant about involving them in
making career related decisions.
We find that the comparison of the two samples give us results that the
individuals at learning organizations have more trust on their organization of work as
compare to those working with the conventional organization. Therefore, the learning
organizations’ employees would want that their organization should guide them in
choosing their career line. We also find that majority of the employees in both the cases
strongly support the inclusion of the career development commitment in their contract.

4.4 Hypotheses Tests through Non-parametric Correlation Tables

As the study is primarily a qualitative study therefore, the correlation calculated here is
for the purpose to strengthen the arguments given in quantitative and qualitative analysis.

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