Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1
Are You Here To Be A Healer? 195

David Phears

“Seek ye first the kingdom that is already within you
and all the rest shall be added unto you in your experience.”

A passionate teacher and Spiritual leader, David blends humor and
wisdom in presenting his lectures and classes. David has studied many
of the worlds religions and settled upon a spiritual belief that includes
many philosophies but mostly focuses on practical spiritual tools for
everyday living.
As the Community Spiritual Leader of a 500 member spiritual
community in Huntington Beach, David has a vision that includes making
a difference on the planet by how we as human beings treat ourselves,
and others who are different from us.
David is a seasoned personal success coach and conflict
resolution mediator who thrives on finding solutions to everyday
challenges in simple, effective and compassionate ways.
Co-owner [with his wife Michelle] of PESCO a non-profit
educational services company, their vision is to provide support to
existing organizations serving challenged communities in the area of
training and education. These qualified organizations simply require
financial support anchored in awareness, education and commitment
to serve at an even greater level than currently possible.
You can join David in his adventures by going to:

Who do you think you are? What is your purpose?

This has changed many times over the years. Today I think that the purpose
of my life at this point is to stay as close to unconditional love and
compassion as I possibly can remember throughout each day. The purpose
of my life is to put myself in the position to be happy and wealthy, so that
I can support others in being the same.

What event or series of events led you to your discovery?

Again, this is an ongoing process. I think anything major that I can look
at in my life, as an event that precipitated or was a catalyst for me even
caring about who I was, was me recovering from drug addiction. It wasn’t

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