Who do you think you are?

(Sean Pound) #1

52 Who Do You Think You Are?

jump to the end result.
The fact is, that doesn’t really happen. There isn’t necessarily a
quantum leap to get there. There is a faster method, which is to focus on
the next logical step, meaning from where you are to the next place.
What is your next logical step along the way? There may be ten pieces to
the puzzle here, but you need to go to the next step, to the next step, then
to the next step. Those are the sequential steps we need in order to make
the whole system work for us.
So the question I have for the readers of this book is, based on
where you are, what is the next logical step for you to take? What is the
one thing that you can do today to move yourself toward your end goal?
If we take that premise and we apply it every single day, all of a sudden
we achieve those little tiny steps, which eventually add up to a big step
when we look at it overall.
Again, what is the next logical step for you, and what is it that
you can do for yourself today? Today is the key! Today! If we worry
about the future, we are worrying about something that hasn’t even hap-
pened yet. We need to focus on the present, because the present is what
is going to make it work for us. It’s all about what we do today. How we
can take destiny and put it in our own hands, and allow ourselves to
achieve a level of success? Yes, there is a sequence and order of things,
and it all starts with your very next step. Just take your next step.

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