Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions

(Amelia) #1

abbreviate abbreviated piece of nothing
able able to cut something
abs washboard abs
absotively absotively (posilutely)
academy laughing academy
ace ace boom-boom
ace ace boon-coon
ace ace in the hole
ace ace in(to something)
ace ace out
ace ace someone out
ace have an ace up one’s sleeve
ace hold all the aces
ace within an ace of (doing) something
acidacid test
acreGod’s acre
act class act
act clean one’s act up
act Dutch act
act get in on the act
act get one’s act together
action bit of the action
action chill someone’s action
action in action
action piece (of the action)
action slice of the action
action where the action is
Adam Adam Henry
Adam up an’ Adam

adios adios muchachos
adobe adobe dollar
affluence under the affluence of incohol
AfricanAfrican golf ball
AfricanAfrican grape
after look after number one
after morning after (the night before)
againhit me again
againRun that by (me) again.
againtry someone back (again)
againYou can say that again!
against up against it
age What’s your age?
agreeagree to disagree
ahead ahead of the game
ahead come out ahead
ahead full steam ahead
ahead one jump ahead of someone or
ahead quit while one is ahead
aidthirst-aid station
aim aim for the sky
ain’t ain’t long enough
ain’t That ain’t hay!
airair ball
airair guitar
airair hose
airair kiss
airair one’s belly

Phrase-Finder Index

Use this index to find the form of a phrase that you want to look up in

the dictionary. If you are looking for a single word, please look up that

word in the main body of the dictionary. Single words are not indexed

here. To use this index, pick out any major word in the phrase you are

seeking. Then look up the simplest form of that word in this index to

find the form of the phrase used in the dictionary. Finally, look up the

phrase in the main body of the dictionary.

Some of the words occurring in the phrasal entries do not appear

as entries in this index. Some words are omitted because they occur so

frequently that their lists would cover many pages. In these instances,

you should look up the phrase under some other word. Most of the

grammar or function words, such as prepositions, pronouns, and arti-

cles, are not indexed.

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