The Career Portfolio Workbook

(Ron) #1
tion. So, for example, in the first line, you would type in the actual job
title or role you had, but do notpreface this with Title or Role. The
phrases below in boldfont, such as “Experience,”should be typed on
the resume as subheadings for P.E.A.K.S. categories.

Title or Role Name of organization where you worked
Location; Dates of employment
Personal Characteristics Demonstrated:
Insert short phrases and adjectives that describe key personal charac-
teristics you demonstrated.
Use bullets if necessary.
Insert brief description of valuable experience that you gained from
this job.
Use bullets, if necessary.
Insert a brief description of important accomplishments.
Use bullets, if necessary.
Insert a brief description of useful knowledge gained.
Use bullets, if necessary.
Insert a brief description of important skills.
Use bullets, if necessary.

Since your personal characteristics that add value are featured
prominently in your initial overview, you will most likely want to focus
on your other P.E.A.K.S. in the “Work Experience”section of your re-
sume. In particular, you will probably want to focus on your skills and
accomplishments. You do nothave to include all categories of P.E.A.K.S.
for each work experience that you list, nor should you.
The P.E.A.K.S. subheadings might include modifiers to highlight
the specific type of P.E.A.K.S. that were demonstrated in a job. For ex-
ample, you might use “Customer Service Skills,”if that is a good de-
scription of the kind of skills that are listed under this subheading. If
you use subheadings that have modifiers, you can have more than one
subheading for any of the P.E.A.K.S. categories. So in addition to “Cus-
tomer Service Skills,”you could also use “Computer Skills”for the same
job, if you had something to list under each of these categories.
A good way to get a feel for how P.E.A.K.S. subheadings might be
used in a resume is to take a look at the examples of P.E.A.K.S. resumes
in Part 2.

This category is particularly important if you have not had a great deal
of work experience. As with your work experiences, you should list your

Chapter 5: Creating Resumes That Work with Your Portfolio 69

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