
(Nora) #1


Western Diet

Western diet is consumed in many developed countries and is popular in
developing countries due to the ease of preparation and convenience as a
to-go food. Western menu is accused of being rich in sugar, re!ned grains,
trans fats, processed, pre-packaged foods.

The menu featured takes the cue from the Western menu in terms of
including easy to-go foods like smoothies, wraps and incorporates
healthy vegetables in them. For instance, the following changes can be
seen in the menu:

  • Typical white bread in the burger is replaced by whole grain bread

  • Re!ned "our wraps are replaced with whole grain wraps

  • Re!ned "our with whole grain "our and whole wheat "our.

  • In the convenient western dinner of macaroni and cheese, the cheese is
    completely replaced by a healthy alternative of mashed creamy veggies
    in broth.

  • The menu has been kept dominant in vegetables and fruits.

important features

Alkalizing Western Diet


  • It is important to steer clear of all processed and re!ned foods

  • In contrary to the typical western menu, the above menu plan features
    only vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

  • The Western style of quick to-go breakfast is adapted to bring out
    convenient and super healthy smoothie recipes.

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