Music and the Making of Modern Science

(Barré) #1

Notes to pages 182–198 303

  1. Lichtenberg 1997 , 151.

  2. Carlson 1965; Takahashi 1979; Schiffer 2003, 244.

  3. Chladni 1809 , v – vii. For Hooke ’ s earlier discovery of similar figures, see Gouk 1999, 219 – 221; Wardhaugh
    2008, 106 – 110.

  4. For an outstanding treatment of these and other aspects of Chladni ’ s works, see Jackson 2006 , 13 – 44; see
    also Schwartz 2011 , 177 – 180.

  5. Koertge 2008 , sec. on Chladni.

  6. The committee ’ s report is included in Savart 1819 , 114 – 188, at 115.

  7. Ø rsted 1998 , 180. In 1802, Ø rsted had noted that Chladni had discovered that “ the notes a flute sound far
    higher in hydrogen gas than in oxygen gas ” (130). See also Christensen 2013, 207 – 213; for Ø rsted ’ s relation to
    Ritter, see 108 – 112, 147 – 155, 242 – 244.

  8. For Ritter as Romantic, see Wetzels 1990.

  9. Ø rsted 1998 , 183.

  10. Strickland 1998 , 457.

  11. Ritter 1806 , 3:115 – 116; Strickland 1998 , 458.

  12. Ritter 1806 , 2:124; Strickland 1998 , 458.

  13. Ø rsted 1998 , 183 – 184.

  14. For Ø rsted ’ s writings on music, see Christensen 2013, 214 – 220. Benjamin cited in Ritter 2010 , 4 – 5,
    470 – 507, at 477, 479.

  15. Rosen 1995 , 58 – 78, at 59; see also Ritter 2010 , 301 – 303, 330 – 331, 335, 444 – 447, 477 – 485.

  16. Ritter 1806 , 1:160, 2:232; Str ä ssle 2004 , 32 – 33; my translation.

  17. Christensen 1995 , 167; for Benjamin ’ s reading of this passage, see Str ä ssle 2004 and the brilliant commen-
    tary of Erlmann 2010 , 185 – 202.

  18. Cited in Rosen 1995 , 59.

  19. Ø rsted 2011 , 136 – 210, which describes many visits to the Parisian theaters and several encounters with Biot
    (163, 184, 209).

  20. Ø rsted 1998 , 185 – 191, at 191.

  21. Ibid. , 279.

  22. Ibid. , 274.

  23. Ibid. , 280.

  24. Ibid. , 420. See Christensen 2013, 336 – 349.

  25. Ø rsted 1998 , 417 – 418; see also Snelders 1990.

  26. Biot and Savart 1820 ; Hashimoto 1983.
    13 Hearing the Field

  27. Faraday 1991 , 1:53; for his love of music, see Williams 1971 , 10. A “ serpent ” here denotes a bass wind
    instrument of curving shape, the ancestor of a tuba.

  28. Hirshfeld 2006 , 4; on Davy, see Lawrence 1990.

  29. Amp è re 1936 , 2:562.

  30. Faraday 1821 ; for his misunderstanding, see Williams 1971 , 151 – 152.

  31. Faraday 1818. “ Singing flames ” continued to fascinate many savants; see Tyndall 1898 , 244 – 286; Jones 1945.

  32. Faraday 1991 , 1:221 – 223.

  33. Faraday 1821 , 196.

  34. Ibid. , 197.

  35. Faraday 1932 , 1:279 – 280. For a helpful survey of the history, see Williams 1971 , 169 – 183.

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