cell division 86, 180
cellular respiration 2, 43,
178, 206
cellulose 43
Celsius, Anders 43–44, 106
Celsius, Magnus 43
Celsius scale 44
central atom 44
cephalin 211
ceramic 44
ceruloplasm 44
cesium 7
Chain, Ernst Boris 44–45
chain reaction 45,45, 94
chain transfer 45
chalcogen 45
chalk 75
Chandler Medal 164
channels 45
chaperones, molecular 45
chaperonin 45
Chardler Medal 160
charge 77, 175
formal 111
nuclear 88
charge diversity 45
charge population 45
charge-transfer complex 45
charge-transfer transition 45
Charles’ law 46, 46
chelation 46
chelation therapy 46
cheletropic reaction 46
chelotropic reaction 46
chemical bond 46
chemical change 46
chemical decomposition 71
chemical equation 46
chemical equilibrium 46–47,
chemical flux 47
chemical formula 47, 47
chemical kinetics 47
chemical periodicity 47
chemical property 47
chemical reaction 47–48
autocatalytic 21
composite 55
endergonic 96
endothermic 96–97
Gibbs energy diagram
of 117,117–118
and Gibbs energy of
activation 118–119
Haber-Weiss 121
identity 137
induction period in
insertion 140
isotope exchange 149
narcissistic 191
chemical relaxation 48
chemical shift 48
chemical species 48
The chemical structure and
pharmacodynamic activity
of drugs of the vegetative
nervous system(Bovet) 33
chemical weight 48, 49
chemiluminescence 49
chemiosmosis 20, 49
chemistry 49
inorganic 140
medicinal 175
organic 202–203
chemoautotroph 21, 49
chemoautotropic prokaryotes
chemoheterotroph 49, 127
chemoreceptor 49, 200
chemoselectivity 49–50
chemospecificity 50
chemotaxis 120
chemotherapy 50
Chernobyl 196
chirality 50
in asymetric synthesis
in cine substitution 51
chi-square test 50
chitin 50
chloralkali cell 50
chlorin 50
chlorofluorocarbon 50
chloroform 82
chlorophyll 50, 50
and carotenoids 41
early research on 38
light absorption of 1, 41
chloroplast 51, 66
cholera 83
cholesterol 51,70, 167
and fatty acid 107
cholinesterase 2
Christin, John 43, 106
chromatin 51
chromatogram 51
chromatography 51
gas 82, 115
liquid 128
chromium 86
chromophore 51
chromosome 51, 86
euchromatin in 100
CIDNP (chemically induced
dynamic nuclear
polarization) 51
cine substitution 51, 51
circular dichroism 51–52,
cirrhosis 126
cis 52
cisplatin 52
cis-transisomerism 52
citric acid cycle SeeKrebs
Clapeyron-Clausius equation
class (a) metal ion 52
class (b) metal ion 52
clathrate 52, 177
Clausius-Clapeyron equation
clay 43, 52
climate 2
clone 52, 214
close packing 52
cloud chamber 52
cluster 52–53
CO (carbon monoxide). See
carbon monoxide (CO)
coagulation 53, 110
coal 53
cobalamin 53
cobalt 86, 124
cobalt nitrate 49
cocoa 109
codon 53
coefficient of variation 53
coenzyme(s) 16, 53
folate 110–111
coenzyme A 2, 40, 167
cofactor 53
cofactor A 2
coffee 109
CoFMA 54
Cohen, Emma 118
cohesion 53, 128
cohesive force 39, 53
coke 53, 123
col 4
collagen 53, 120
colligation 19, 53
colligative properties 53
collision, inelastic 155
collision theory 53, 87
colloid 53–54,78, 110
hydrophilic 133
colloidal bismuth substrate
(CBS) 54
color 1
combination reaction 54
combinatorial library 54
combinatorial synthesis 54
combustible 54
combustion 54
common-ion effect (on rates)
comparative molecular field
analysis (CoFMA) 54
compensation effect 54
competitive exclusion
principle 54
competitive inhibitor 54
complementary binding site
complementary DNA (cDNA)
complex 55, 55
complex ions 55
composite reaction 55
composition stoichiometry
compost 55
compound 55
intercalation 141
compressed gas 55
comproportination 55–56
computational chemistry 56
computer-assisted drug design
computers 76, 184–185
concanavalin A 56
concentration 56, 76
concerted process 56
condensation 56, 125
condensation polymer 56
condensation reaction 56, 72
condensed phases 56
conduction band 56
confidence limits 56
configuration 56
configuration (electronic) 57,
configuration (molecular) 58
conformation 58
congener 58
conjugate acid-base pair 58
conjugated double bonds 58,
conjugated system
(conjugation) 58
conjugative mechanism 58,
connective tissue 53
connectivity 58
conrotatory 58
consensus sequence 58
constitution 58–59
consumer 59
contact ion pair 59
contact process 59
continuous spectrum 59
contrast agent 59
contributing structure 32, 59,
134, 134
control rod 59
control test 59
convection 59
cooperativity 59
coordinate covalence
(coordinate link) 59
coordinate covalent bond 60
coordination 19, 27, 60, 124
Index 329