energy (continued)
kinetic 154–155
pairing 207
potential 155
and thermodynamics
unit of 152
energy bands 24
energy of activation 25, 97
energy profile. SeeGibbs
energy diagram; potential-
energy profile
enforced concerted
mechanism 97
enhanced greenhouse effect 97
enophile. Seeene reaction
entatic state 97
entering group 97
enterobactin 97
enterochelin. See
enthalpy 97–98, 127
enthalpy of activation 98
enthalpy of formation 98
entropy 98
entropy of activation 98, 146
environment 98
enzyme induction 99
enzyme repression 99
enzymes 87, 98.See also
specific enzymes
action of 99
allosteric site on 8
and amino acids 11
in biotransformation
and fur 113
epidermal growth factor
(EGF) 120
epimer 99, 101
epimerization 99
epinephrine 187
epitope 99, 124
epoch 99
EPR. Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
equatorial bonds 99
equilibrium 86, 99
chemical 46–47,48,
74, 99
constant. Seeacidity
constant; stability
heterogenous 127
homogenous 130
equilibrium control. See
thermodynamic control
equilibrium isotope effect.
Seeisotope effect
equivalent 100
equivalent weight 100
Erlanger, Joseph 100
erythrocytes 2
Esaki, Leo 152
ESE. Seeelectron spin-echo
ESEEM (electron spin-echo
envelope modulation). See
electron spin-echo
ESR (electron spin-resonance)
spectroscopy. Seeelectron
paramagnetic resonance
estradiol 83
estriol 83
estrone 83
ethanol 42, 72
ether 100
The Ethical Dilemma of
Science and Other Writings
(Hill) 129
ethylcarbonium ion 39
ethyl cation 39
ethylene (C 2 H 4 ) 100,^200
ET-value. SeeDimroth-
Reichardt ETparameter;
euchromatin 100–101
eudismic ratio 101
eukaryote 43, 51, 101
eutomer 101
eutrophication 101
eutrophic lake 101
evaporation 101, 101
evaporative cooling 101
evapotranspiration 101
Ewens-Bassett number. See
oxidation number
EXAFS. Seeextended X-ray
absorption fine structure
excess acidity. SeeBunnett-
Olsen equations; Cox-Yates
exciplex 101
excited state 102
exclusion principle 102
exegetic reaction 102
exogenous 102
exon 102, 116
exosphere 102
exothermic 102, 102
exotoxin 102
expression 102
extended Hammett equation
extended X-ray absorption
fine structure (EXAFS)
external return. Seeion pair
extinction 54
extinct species 103
extrusion transformation
103, 103
F-430 105, 105
face-centered cubic 105
facilitated diffusion 105
faculative anaerobe 105
faculative organism 105
Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
fallout 107
faraday 107
Faraday effect 171
Faraday Medal 18, 71, 126,
Faraday’s law of electrolysis
fast-atom bombardment mass
spectroscopy (FAB mass
spectroscopy) 107
fast neutron 107
fat (general) 107
fat (triacylglycerol) 107
fat. Seelipids
fatty acid 107, 167
[2Fe-2S] 108, 145
[4Fe-4S] 108, 145
feedback inhibition 108
FeMo cofactor 108, 108
Fenton reaction 108
Ferdinand II, Grand Duke of
Tuscany 106
fermentation 108
ferredoxin 108
ferriheme 108
ferrioxamine 74
ferritin 108
ferrochelatase 109
ferroheme 109
ferromagnetic 109
ferrous metal 109
fertilizer 55
fibroblast 141
fibroblast growth factor 120
field effect 92, 109
films, adsorbed 160
filter 109
filtration 109
fire 248–249
firearms 82
fireflies 28
first law of thermodynamics
Fischer, Hermann Emil
fish 62, 184
fission 214
fission track dating 228–229
flammable 110
flash point 110
flash vacuum pyrolysis (FVP)
flavin 145
Flaxedil 33
Fletcher, Walter Morley 128
flocculation 110
Florey, Howard Walter 44
flotation 110
fluids 110
fluorescence 110
fluorination 110
fluorine 92
fluoroapatite 29
flux 110
chemical 47
fluxional 110
foam 110,173, 173
folate coenzymes 110–111,
food 19, 37, 39–40, 76, 79
food chain 25, 27
forbital 161
force constant 111
force-field calculations. See
molecular mechanics
force fields 183–184
forces, intermolecular 141
forces, London 168
forensics 81–82
formal charge 111
formaldehyde 7
formation constant. See
stability constant
formula 111
chemical 47
formula unit 111
formula weight 111
fossil fuel 18, 40, 53, 97, 111
fractional distillation 111
fractional precipitation 111
fractionation factor, isotopic
fragmentation 111–112
francium 7
Franck-Condon principle
Franklin Medal 71, 160
Frasch process 112, 112
free energy 112
free-energy change 112
free radical 112, 112, 126
freezing-point depression 112
frequency 112, 126
frontier orbitals 112,146,
fructose 78
fruit 100
332 Index