high spin. Seelow spin
high-temperature super
conductor 128
Hildebrand parameter 128
Hill, Archibald Vivian
HiPIP 129
hirudin 129
histamine 17, 129, 187
histone 129
hit and run 81
Hodgkin, Dorothy Crowfoot
Hoenikker, Felix 161
Hofmann, A. W. 109, 130
Hofmann rule 130
Holly Medal 160
holoenzyme 130
Holyfield, Evander 82
HOMO 130
homoaromatic 130, 130
homoassociation 130
homoconjugation 130
homogenous catalyst 130
homogenous equilibrium 130
homogenous mixture 130
homoleptic 131
homologous series 131
homologue 58, 131
homolysis 79, 131
homonuclear 131
homosexuality 7
Hopkins, Frederick Gowland
hormones 1, 21, 83, 131
gaseous 100
as mediator modulators
host 131
How to Live Longer and Feel
Better(Pauling) 208
Hückel (4n + 2) rule
Hudson, Rock 7
Hughes Medal 160
human growth hormone
(HGH) 120
humic acid 132
Hund’s rule 132
hybridization 132
hydorgenation 132
hydrate 132
hydration 132, 132
hydration energy 132
hydrazine 109
hydride 132, 141
hydrocarbons 121, 132, 134
hydrochloric acid 2
hydrogen 20, 74, 184
hydrogenase 132
hydrogen bond 132–133,
hydrogen ion 133
hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
hydrolase 133
hydrolysis 78, 133
hydrolysis constant 133
hydrometallurgy 133
hydrometer 133
hydron 34, 133
hydronium ion 133
hydrophilic 11, 133
hydrophilic colloids 133
hydrophilicity 133
hydrophobic 11, 133
hydrophobic interaction 134
hydrophobicity 134
hydroxyapatite 29
hydroxyl group 134
hydroxyl ion 134
hydroxyl radical 134
hyperconjugation 134, 134
hyperfine 93
hypoosmotic solution 135
hypothesis 135
hypotonic solution 135
hypsochromic shift 25, 135
ideal gas 137
ideal gas law 137
ideal solution 137
identity reaction 137
igneous rock 137
imaging 137, 172
imbalance 137
imene. Seenitrene
imidogen. Seenitrene
imidonium ion. See
nitrenium ion
imin. Seenitrene
imine radical. Seenitrene
immiscibility 138
immune modulator 174–175
immune response 138
immune system 6–7, 15–16,
histamines in 129
interferons in 141
(Arrhenius) 18
immunoglobulin 15–16, 52,
63, 138
immunogold 138
inclusion compound 37, 138
IND (investigational new
drug) 138
India 57
indicators 138,138–139
indigo 57
indoxyl 57
induced dipole moment 139
induction period 139
inductive effect 139
inductomeric effect 139
industrialization 18
inelastic collision 155
inert 139
inert s-pair effect 139
infrared 90
infrared radiation 139
infrared spectroscopy 82, 139
inhibition 139–140, 174
inhibitor 140
inhibitory catalyst 140
inhibitory postsynaptic
potential (IPSP) 140
initiation 140
inner ear 174
inner salts 288
inner-sphere electron transfer
inophore 144
inorganic chemistry 140
insect 50
insecticide 188
insertion 103, 140
insertion reaction 140
insoluble compound 140
insulator 140
insulin 24, 44, 120, 129, 140
integrated rate laws 141
inter- 141
intercalation compounds 141
interference 76
interferon 141
intermediate 21, 141
intermolecular 141
intermolecular forces 141
internal conversion 141
internal energy 141
internal return. Seeion-pair
interstitial 141
intertidal zone 168
intimate ion pair. Seeion pair
intra- 141
intramolecular 87–88, 142
intramolecular catalysis 142
intrinsic activity 142
intrinsic barrier 142
intron 116, 142
inverse agonist 142
inverse kinetic isotope effect.
Seeisotope effect
inverted micelle 142
iodine 49
ion 42, 52, 55, 142
ion channel 116, 143, 165
ion exchange 143
ionic bond 143
ionic bonding 143
ionic compounds 143
ionic crystal 171
ionic dissociation 18
ionic product 21
ionic radius 143
ionic strength 143
ionization 143
ionization constant 143
ionization energy Ei(SI unit
kJ mol-1or J per molecule)
ionizing power 77, 143
ionizing radiation 144
ion pair 79, 144
ion-pair return 144
ion pump 144
ions 19
ion-selective electrode 145
ipso attack 145, 145
iron 86, 108–109, 126, 178
iron chloride 49
iron overload 74
iron-responsive element 145
iron-responsive protein (IRP)
iron-sulfur clusters 41, 109,
iron-sulfur protein 145, 213
ischemia 145
islets of Langerhans 140
isobacteriochlorin (2,3,7,8-
Tetrahydroporphyrin) 145
isobestic point 147
isochore 145
isodesmic reaction 145–146
isoelectronic 146
isoentropic 146
isoenzymes 146
isoequilibrium relationship
isokinetic relationship 146
isolobal 146
isomer 52, 146–147, 147
linkage 166–167
isomerase 146
isomerism 52
isomerization 146
isomorphous 147
isoselective relationship 147
isoteres 147
isotonic solutions 148
isotope 148
isotope effect 148
equilibrium. See
isotope effect,
heavy atom 148
intramolecular 148
inverse 148
334 Index