kinetic 148
primary 148
secondary 148–149
solvent 149
steric 149
thermodynamic 149
isotope exchange 149, 149
isotopic fractionation factor
isotopic perturbation, method
of 149–150
isotopic scrambling 150, 150
isotopologue 150
isotopomer 150
isotropy 150
isovalent hyperconjugation.
jack beans 56
Jackson-Meisenheimer adduct
jellyfish 28
Johansson, Maria 18
John Scott Award 160
Joliot, Frédéric 151
Joliot-Curie, Irène 151–152
Jones reductor 152
Josephson, Brian David 152
Josephson junction 152
joule 152, 154
Joule-Thompson effect 152
Kamlet-Taft solvent
parameters 153
kappa convention. See
donor-atom symbol
K capture 153
Kekulé structure 17, 32, 153,
Kelvin 153
Kendall, Edward Calvin
Kendall Award 71
keratin 154
kerogen 200
ketone 154
kilocalorie 154
kilodalton 69
kilogram 154
kinase 66
kinetic ambiguity. Seekinetic
kinetic control (of product
composition) 154
kinetic electrolyte effect
(kinetic ionic-strength
effect) 154
kinetic energy 154–155
kinetic equivalence 155
kinetic isotope effect. See
isotope effect, kinetic
kinetic-molecular theory 155
kingdom 155
klinotaxis 155
Knoll, Max 92
Kohlrausch, Friedrich 18
Koppel-Palm solvent
parameters 155
Kornberg, Hans 157
Kosower Z-value. SeeZ-value
Kossel, Ludwig Karl Martin
Leonhard Albrecht
Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf 2,
Krebs cycle 156–157, 157
Kroto, Harold 35
krypton 194
labeled compound 159
labile 159
laccase 159
lactate 159
lactic acid 129, 178
lactoferrin 159
lakes 101, 168, 200
Lambert, Johann Heinrich 25
Landsteiner, Karl 159–160
Langmuir, Irving 160–161,
188, 208
lanthanide contraction 161
lanthanides 161, 169
laser 161
Lasker Medical Research
Award 26
latentiated drug. Seedrug
latex 161
lattice 64, 124, 161, 161
lattice energy 161, 171
law of combining volumes
(Gay-Lussac’s law) 161
law of conservation of energy
law of conservation of matter
law of conservation of matter
and energy 161
law of definite proportions
(law of constant
composition) 161
law of partial pressures 161
Lawrence, Ernest Orlando
67, 174
LCAO (linear combination of
atomic materials) 162
lead 65
lead discovery 162
lead generation 162
lead optimization 162
lead storage battery 162
least nuclear motion,
principle of 162
leaving group 162
Le Châtelier, Henri-Louis
Le Châtelier’s principle 162
lecithin 211
Leclanché, Georges-Lionel
Leclanché cell 162, 162
leeches 129
Leffler’s assumption. See
Hammond principle
Leffler’s rule 210
left-to-right convention 163
leghemoglobin 163
legumes 23, 56, 193
Leloir, Louis F. 163
Lenin Peace Prize 130
Leonardo da Vinci 133
leukotriene 175
leveling effect 163
levorotatory 163
Lewis, G. N. 188
Lewis acid 93, 95, 124, 163
Lewis acidity 163
Lewis adduct 163
Lewis base 93, 124, 164
Lewis formula (electron dot
or Lewis structure) 32,
Lewis octet rule 88
Lewis theory of shared
electrons 160
Libby, Willard Frank 164
Liberace 7
lifetime (mean lifetime τ)
ligand 8, 30, 32, 60, 165
ligand field 165
ligand field splitting 165
ligand-gated ion-channel
receptor 165
ligase 165
ligating. Seeligand
light 1, 76, 90, 212–213
fluorescence of 110
light microscope 165
light reactions 165
light water reactor 165
lignin 165–166
limestone 166
limewater 166
limiting law 166
limiting reactant (limiting
reagent) 166
limnetic zone 168
linear accelerator 166
linear free-energy relation 92,
120, 166
linear solvation energy
relationships 166
line formula 166, 166
line-shape analysis 166
line spectrum 166
Lineweaver-Burk plot. See
Michaelis-Menten kinetics
linkage isomers 166–167
Linnaeus, Carolus 27, 43,
lipids 12, 29, 107, 167
Lipmann, Fritz Albert 2, 167
lipophilic 167
lipophilicity 167
lipoproteins 51, 167
lipoxygenase 168
liquefaction 168
liquid 35,173, 173, 175
liquid aerosol 168
liquid crystal 168
liquid drop model (of the
nucleus) 168
lithium 7
litmus paper 24
littoral zone 168
liver 140, 163, 192
Living Machinery(Hill) 129
Livingston, M. Stanley 67
Loewi, Otto 69, 168
Lomonosov Gold Medal 130
London forces 168
lone (electron) pair 168
Longstaff medal 130
loose ion pair. Seeion pair
Lorentz Medal 71
Lowen, Alexander 28
lowest unoccupied molecular
orbital (LUMO) 169
low spin 169
luminescent 169
luster 169
lyase 169
lyate ion 117, 169
lye 24
Lyman series 169
lymphocyte 56, 174
lyonium ion 169
Macleod, John James Rickard
macromolecule 171
macrophage 171
macroscopic diffusion
control. Seemixing control
mad cow disease 249
Index 335