narcissistic reaction 191
National Medal of Science 38
native state 191
natural gas 100, 191
natural product 191
natural radioactivity
The Nature of the Chemical
Bond(Pauling) 208
NCE. Seenew chemical
NDA (new drug application)
participation 192
neon 194
neptunium 174
Nernst, Walther 192
Nernst equation 192
nerve 4, 45, 73–74
nervous system 2, 69, 140,
mediator modulator in
work of Joseph
Erlanger 100
neuron 192
neuroscience 100
neurotransmitters 2, 140,
neutralization 192
neutrino 26
neutron 20, 26, 27, 192
fast 107
in fission 195
in isotopes 148
and mass number 173
new chemical entity 192
Newton (measure of work)
Newton, Isaac 106
New York Academy of
Sciences Award 26
NHOMO. Seesubjacent
Nichols Medal 71, 160
nickel 65, 86, 133
nickel-cadmium cell (nicad
battery) 193
nif 193
NIH shift 193, 193
nitrate reductase 193
nitrene 29, 193
nitrenium ion 193
nitric acid 2
nitrite reductase 193
nitroalkane 137
nitrobenzene 121
nitrogen 23, 72
nitrogenase 187, 193
nitrogen cycle 193
nitrogen fixation 193
nitroglycerin 186
Nitti, Filomena 33
NMR. Seenuclear magnetic
resonance spectroscopy
Nobel Prize 69
in chemistry 18, 26,
35, 37, 65, 71, 109,
121, 122, 126, 129,
151, 163, 164, 174,
188, 208
in physics 152
in physiology or
medicine 6, 24, 33,
44, 61, 83–84, 88,
89, 100, 129, 154,
156, 159, 167, 168,
178, 188
noble gases 194
no-bond resonance. See
nomenclature. Seebinomial
nonbonding orbital 194
nonclassical carbocation 194
nonclassical isotere 194
noncyclic electron flow 194
photophosphorylation 66,
nonelectrolyte 194
nonpolar covalent bond 194
Noorden, Carl von 168
norepinephrine 192
normal kinetic isotope effect.
Seeisotope effect
normal mode (of vibration)
n-σdelocalization 194
N-terminal amino acid
residue. Seeamino acid
n-to-pi-star transition (n→π*)
n-type semiconductor 194
nuclear binding energy 27,
nuclear charge 88
nuclear decay 70, 91, 195
nuclear fission 63, 195
nuclear fusion 113, 113
nuclearity 195
nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy 48, 72, 82,
93–94, 195
nuclear power 59
nuclear radiation 195
nuclear reaction 19, 33, 63,
nuclear reactor 165, 195,
195, 196
nuclear spin-spin 62, 171
nuclear waste 229
nucleation 195
nucleic acids 195
nucleobase. Seenucleoside
nucleofuge 111–112, 196
nucleon(s) 168, 196
nucleophile 196
nucleophilic catalysis 35, 197
nucleophilicity 197
nucleoside 197
nucleotides 24, 197
nucleus 197
nuclide 70, 188, 197
nuclide symbol 197
nutrition 70, 88
nylon 197
obligate aerobe 199
obligate anaerobe 199
oceanic zone 199
oceans 2, 16, 25, 168, 212
ocean thermal vents 199
octahedral 199
octahedral hole 199
octahedron. Seecoordination
octane number 199
octet rule 88, 199
ODMR. Seeoptically
detected magnetic
OEC. Seeoxygen-evolving
oil 200, 249
crude 100, 200
oil shale 200
Okazaki fragments 80
olefins 8, 200
olfaction 200
oligonucleotide 16, 200
oligopeptide 200
oligosaccharide 119
oligotrophic lake 200
onium ion 200
open sextet 200
open system 200
operon 200
opposing reaction. See
composite reaction
optical activity 200
optical isomers 201, 201
optically detected magnetic
resonance (ODMR) 201
optical yield 201
optics 74
orbital(s) 30, 32, 39, 64, 84,
87, 182,182. See also
specific types
frontier 112, 146, 185
in homoaromatic
molecules 130
and Hückel rule
Hund’s rule of 132
and internal conversion
linear combination of
atomic 162
lowest unoccupied
molecular 169
ml value of 172
Möbius aromaticity of
and multicenter bonds
nonbonding 194
and n-to-pi-star
transitions 194
orbital steering 201
orbital symmetry 201–202
order of reaction 202
ore 202
organic chemistry 202–203
organism 203
organochlorine compounds
compound 203
orphan drug 203
osmoconformer 203
osmol 203
osmolarity 203
osmoregulation 203
osmoregulator 203
osmosis 203, 203
osmotic pressure 203
Ostwald, Wilhelm 18
Ostwald process 203, 204
outer orbital complex 203
outer-sphere electron transfer
overlap 204
overpotential 204
ovotransferrin 204
oxidase 204
oxidation 3, 89–90, 204
oxidation number 204–205
oxidation-reduction reaction
91, 205
oxidation state 205
oxidative additions 9, 205
oxidative coupling 205
oxidative phosphorylation
oxide 205
oxidizing agent 205–206
oxidoreductase 72, 206
oxygen 6, 13, 25, 206
oxygen debt 129
Index 337