tropism 269–270
troposphere 270
Trouton’s rule 270
trytophan 131
tuberculosis 88
tungsten 86
tunneling 270
turgor pressure 270
Tyndall effect 270
type 1 copper 10, 22, 30
type 1,2,3 copper 270
typhus 83
tyrosinase 270
tyrosine kinase 270
tyrosine kinase receptor 270
ulcers 73
ultrasound 271
ultraviolet light 90
ultraviolet radiation 271
ultraviolet spectrum 271
umpolung 271
unified atomic mass unit 271
unimolecular. See
unit cell 271
United Kingdom 57, 75
unreactive 271
unsaturated fatty acids 272
unsaturated hydrocarbon
unsaturated solution 272
unstable 272
upfield. Seechemical shift
uranium 122, 143
urea 272
urea cycle 156
urease 272
Urey, Harold C. 74, 272–273
uric acid 273
valence 275
valence bond theory 32,
valence electrons 275
valence isomer 275
valence shell 275
valence-shell electron-pair
repulsion theory 275
valence tautomerization 275,
van der Waals equation 275
van der Waals forces 183,
in inclusion compounds
van der Waals radius 276
vapor 276
vaporization 125
vapor pressure 276
V.D. Mattia Award 26
Veksler, V. I. 174
ventilation 276
vibration, molecular 194
visible light 276
vitamin 276
vitamin B 88
vitamin B 12129
vitamin C 276
Vitamin C and the Common
Cold(Pauling) 208
vitamin E 70
vitamin K 70, 83
vitamins 131
volt 276
voltage 276
voltage-gated channel 277
voltaic cells 277
volume of activation 277
Vonnegut, Bernard 160
Vonnegut, Kurt 160
Waksman, Selman Abraham
Warburg, Otto Heinrich
warm blooded. See
water 16, 124, 280
water cycle 280
water equivalent 280
water of crystallization 280
water potential 280
water table 280
water vapor 280
Watson, James 183
Watson-Crick model 280
wave function 59, 182, 280
wavelength 90, 280
weak acid/base 280
weak electrolyte 280
weather 24
chemical 48, 49
equivalent 100
wetting agent 280–281
Wheland intermediates 175
Whipple, George Hoyt 281
White Cliffs of Dover 75
Willard Gibbs Medal 18, 71,
160, 164
Wilson’s disease 281
wine 108
Winstein-Holness Avalues.
SeeA value
Wolf, Christian 106
Woodward-Hoffmann rules.
Seeorbital symmetry
work 281
work function 281
Worlds in the Making
(Arrhenius) 18
World War I 24, 57, 60
World War II 57
XANES. Seeextended X-ray
absorption fine structure
xenobiotic 27, 283
xenon 194
X ray(s) 33, 76, 90, 283
absorption spectrum
X-ray absorption near-edge
structure. Seeextended X-
ray absorption fine
structure (EXAFS)
X-ray crystallography 183
X-ray diffraction 283
X-ray photography 129
yeast 27, 108, 285
yew tree 57
yield 285
ylide 285
Yukawa-Tsuno equation 285
Zeeman splitting 171
Zeeman sublevels 171
zeolite 287
zero-order reaction 287
zero-point energy 149, 287
Ziegler-Natta catalyst 287
zinc 115, 124, 133, 172
zinc finger 287
zone refining 287
zoology 27, 28, 32–33, 54,
Zucker-Hammett hypothesis
Z-value 287
zwitterionic compound 288
342 Index