stationary state. Seesteady
statistics 50, 53, 56, 185, 187
steady state 255–256
steel 115
stellacyanin 256
stem cell research 26
stepwise reaction 256
stereochemical 256
stereoelectronic 256
stereoelectronic control 256
stereogenicity 99
stereoisomeric 256
stereoisomers 19, 56, 58, 75,
stereoselectivity 210, 256
stereospecificity 256
steric-approach control 257
steric effect 257
steric hindrance 257
steric isotope effect. See
isotope effect, steric
steroid hormone 257
steroids 68, 167
Stevenson, Sir Thomas 131
stimulus 257
stochastic 257
stock number. Seeoxidation
stoichiometric number. See
rate of reaction
stoichiometry 55, 101, 257
stomach acid 129
stopped flow 257
strain 257–258
stratosphere 258
strict aerobe 258
stroke 140
strong acid 258
strong base 258
strong electrolyte 258
strong-field ligand 258
structural formula 258
structural isomers 258
structure-activity relationship
structure-based design 258
correlations 258
subjacent orbital 258
sublimation 74, 125, 258
substance 258
substituent 39, 92, 258
substituent electronegativity.
substitution reaction 259
substrate 27, 42, 259
phosphorylation 259
subunit 259
successor complex 259
sucrose 187
sugar 40, 187, 259
suicide-inhibition. See
sulfa drugs 83
sulfite reductase 259
sulfur 112, 154
sulfuric acid 2, 59, 77, 162
sulfurous acid 2
superacid 259
superconductivity 259
superconductor 128, 259
supercooled liquids 259
supercritical fluid 259
superhyperfine 93
superoxide dismutases 260
supersaturated solution 260
suprafacial 14, 14 – 15,89, 89
supramolar chemistry 260
supramolecule 260
surface oxide 48
surface tension 260
surfactants 12, 63, 74, 249,
and inverted micelles
suspension 260
sustainable 260
sustainable agriculture 260
sustainable development 260
Sutherland, Earl W., Jr.
Swain-Lupton equation 261
Swain-Scott equation 261
sweat 101, 192
symbiosis 261
symmetry 50
symproportionation 261
syn-. Seeanti
synapse 261
synaptic terminal 261
synartetic acceleration. See
synchrocyclotron 152, 174
synchronization 261
synchronous 261–262
synchrotron 174, 262
synchrotron radiation 262
synergism 262
synthase 262
synthetase. Seeligase
Szent-Györgyi, Albert von
Taft equation 263
tallow 249
tautomeric effect 92
tautomerism 263,263–264
tautomerization 264
Taxol 57
taxon 264
taxonomy 155
Taylor, Elizabeth 7
T cells 7, 15, 56, 119, 141
tea 109
tele-substitution 264, 264
tellurium 177
telomerization 264
temperature 1, 31, 44,153,
TEM (transmission electron
micrograph) 92, 92
tendon 53
termination 264
ternary acid 264–265
terpenes 265
tertiary structure 265
tetrahedral 265
tetrahedral hole 265
tetrahedral intermediate 265
tetrahedron. See
tetrahydrofolate 76, 265
tetrahydroporphyrin 145
Textbook of Theoretical
(Arrhenius) 18
textiles 57
thalassemia 74, 265
theobromine 109
Theorell, Axel Hugo Theodor
theoretical chemistry 266
theoretical yield 266
Theories of Chemistry
(Arrhenius) 18
therapeutic index 266
thermal analysis 266
thermal cracking 266
thermal neutron 266
thermal pollution 266
thermodynamic control 266
thermodynamics 266
first law of 97, 109
second law of 98
thermogravimetric analysis
thermoluminescence 266
thermoluminescence dating
thermolysin 266
thermolysis 266
thermometer 31,43, 76
history of 106
thermonuclear 266
third law of thermodynamics
thorium 122
thorium-lead dating 267
three-center bond 267
quantitative structure
activity relationship 267
threonine 118
through resonance 63
thylakoid 267
thymine 117
thyroid gland 153
thyroxine 153
tight ion pair. Seeion pair
titanium 86, 124
titration 267
T-jump. Seechemical
toluene 134, 134
topliss tree 267
torquoselectivity 267
torr 267
Torricelli, Evangelista 24
torsion angle 267
total energy 267
total ionic equation 267
toxicity 267
toxicology 82
toxin 267
trace elements 267
tracer 267
tracheids 166
Traits and Trails in
Physiology(Hill) 129
transcription 268
transduction 268
transferability 268
transferase 268
transferrin 268
transformation 20, 268
transient species 33, 268
transition coordinate 268
transition element 268
transition state 268–269
transition-state analog 269
transition structure 269
transmission coefficient. See
transition state
transpiration 101, 269
transport control. See
microscopic diffusion
transuranium element 174,
trapping 269
triacylglycerol 107
triboluminescence 269
tricyclic reaction 209–210
triple bond 269
triple point 269, 270
tritium 149, 269
trochic structure 269
Index 341