Introduction to SolidWorks

(Sean Pound) #1

Lesson 7 – Modeling the Truck
Section III – Modeling Complex Parts 7.3 Modeling the Truck

To create the truck pivot, we must create two sketch planes.

Step 48: Create a plane rotated 30 degrees from the Front Plane.

 Click InsertReference GeometryPlane.
 For the First Reference select the Front Plane from the FeatureManager design tree,
which moved to the right.
 Click the angle icon and type 30.
 For the Second Reference select the axis of the shaft.
 If the axis of the shaft is not visible, click ViewTemporary Axes on the Main Menu.
The axis is now visible as a dashed line. Click the line.
 Click the check mark.

Figure 7. 3 – Extruded Seat
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