PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION: A contemporary introduction

(avery) #1

Abraham 89
Absolutism 101, 104
action 115; vs nonaction 316–17
actuality 187–8
Actually Pointless Evil Claim 143–7,
150; and religious maturity 147–50
Advaita 282; appeal to enlightenment
experience 285–6
Advaita Vedanta (Unqualified Non-
Dualism) 4, 5, 6, 24, 54, 59, 60, 101,
103, 104, 241, 242, 267, 268, 304,
361; causal theory of perception
account 106–7; described 29–30, 32–
3; and enlightenment experience
272–6; interpretation of 28–9;
reductionism/eliminativism 107–9;
and reincarnation/karma 26; two
theories account 105–6; and ultimate
reality 101, 102–9
Anguttara NikayaV, text from 43
animals: and disappearance of species
154–60; inefficiency issues 153–4;
suffering of 138–43
annihilators see copiers and
Anselm, St 174
appeals: to argument 241–2; to
experience 241–2, 267, 297; to
experiential evidence 267–8
appearance 28, 29, 30
Aquinas, St Thomas: arguments 184–8;
Fifth Way 204–8; First Way 188–91;
general structure of arguments 185;
Second Way 191–2; Third Way 192–
argument 361; against compatibilism
310–11; against mind–body dualism
261–3; from evil 123; offered within
religious traditions xv; strategies

Argument from Design 204–8
Aristotle xv, 192
artifacts 204–6
atheism 93–4
Atman Theory (AT) 106, 107–8
Augustine, St 182

belief-entailment 348–9
Bhavagadgita 47
Bible, texts from 41–2
Brahman 4, 6, 29–30, 32, 47, 55, 60,
102, 103–5, 107, 241, 272
Brahman Theory 106
Brhadaranyaka Upanishad III, text
from 46
Buddhism 24, 31–2, 53–4, 101, 109,
111–16, 241, 267, 282, 335; appeals
to experience 286–7; change and
impermanence 5, 6, 113; and
Complexity View 257; philosophical
context 242–3; property vs
substance dualism 243–4; and
reincarnation/karma 112; and
simplicity 113–14; view of persons
114–16, 247–8; see also Theravada
bundle theory 361; external critique of
248–9; internal critique 249–52;
Jainism, Buddhism and justice
requirement 247–8; non-
substantival view of persons 246–7
bundle-of-momentary states view 295–

categorical freedom 309–10
categories 13
causal impossibility 316
causal likeness principle 262
Chandogya Upanishad VI, text from


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