Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

SAD (seasonal affective disorder)
Salmonella 25
SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) 40
schizophrenia 382–383
antipsychotic medications 362
delusion 371
paranoia 379
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 358
psychosis 381
suicidal ideation and suicide
SCN. Seesuprachiasmatic nucleus
scrotum 267, 283, 290, 337,343,
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
secondary adrenal insufficiency
106, 291
secondary sexual characteristics
337, 337 t
aging, reproductive and sexual
changes that occur with 242
breast 249
Klinefelter’s syndrome 296
puberty 334
reproductive system 236
Turner’s syndrome 348
seizure disorders 187, 271, 360,
selective estrogen receptor
modulators (SERMs) 252
selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs)
antianxiety medications 359
antidepressant medications 361
autism 365
body dysmorphic disorder 368
depression 372
eating disorders 374
GAD 376
OCD 378
psychiatric disorders and
psychologic conditions 358
SAD 382
trichotillomania 386
semen 272, 330, 331, 337–338,
338 t, 339
seminal vesicles 337, 343
seminoma 343, 345
SERMs (selective estrogen receptor
modulators) 252
serotonin 361, 375, 382
serotonin syndrome 362, 372
Sertoli cells 341, 343

sexual assault 287, 338, 372, 380
sexual dysfunction 287, 297,
338–339,361, 371
sexual health 278, 287, 297, 318,
sexual intercourse 339
cesarean section 261
clitoris 264
erectile dysfunction 278
erection 278
genitalia 287
orgasm 309
penis 317
sperm 342
vagina 352
vaginitis 353
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
prevention 267, 277, 281, 317,
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
339–340, 341 t
balanitis 248
infertility 294
pelvic examination 317
reproductive system 237
semen 337
sexual health 339
tubal ligation 348
urethritis 222
sexual maturity 100, 110
Shigella 25
shock 81, 106, 124, 152, 271
short bowel syndrome 88, 88, 93
sigmoid colon
colorectal cancer 28
diverticular disease 35
gastrointestinal bleeding 51
gastrointestinal system 4
Hirschsprung’s disease 58
rectum 87
toxic megacolon 93
sildenafil (Viagra) 279
sitz bath 88
sleep disorders 155, 212, 383–384
SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus)
small bowel transplantation 88–89
small intestine 89, 89 t
cecum 21
celiac disease 21
colon 26
diarrhea 34
digestive enzymes 35
duodenum 36
fiber and gastrointestinal health

gastroenteritis 48
gastrointestinal system 4
IBD 61
ileoanal reservoir 60
ileostomy 60
ileum 60
jejunum 67
malabsorption 77
rapid gastric emptying 86
short bowel syndrome 88
small bowel transplantation 88
stomach 90
Whipple’s disease 94
smoking and cancer 179, 216
smoking and health 183, 279,
smoking cessation 361, 362
smooth muscle 42, 362
sodium 138, 143, 171
somatization disorder 384–385,
385 t
somatomedins. Seeinsulinlike
growth factors
somatostatin 158–159
digestive hormones 35
endocrine system 100
GHRH 132
glucagon 128
islet cell transplantation 149
islets of Langerhans 149
pancreas 79
somatotropin mediators. See
insulinlike growth factors
sperm 340–342
ART 246
endocrine system 100
fertility 283
orgasm 309
relaxin 158
reproductive system 233
secondary sexual characteristics
semen 337
sexual intercourse 339
tubal ligation 347
urethra 222
vas deferens 354
zygote 356
spermatic cord 337, 343, 345, 346
spermatocele 342, 346
FSH 127
infertility 293
inhibin 148
scrotum 337
sperm 340–341

Index 407
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