Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

collect concise presentations of related informa-
tion for easy reference.
Each type of entry (mid-length and longer)
incorporates consistent elements, identified by
standardized subheadings:

  • Entries for health conditions and diseasesbegin
    with a general discussion of the condition and
    its known or possible causes and then incorpo-
    rate content under the subheadings “Symptoms
    and Diagnostic Path,” “Treatment Options and
    Outlook,” and “Risk Factors and Preventive

  • Entries for surgery operationsbegin with a gen-
    eral discussion of the procedure and then incor-
    porate content under the subheadings “Surgical
    Procedure,” “Risks and Complications,” and
    “Outlook and Lifestyle Modifications.”

  • Entries for medication classificationsbegin with
    a general discussion of the type of medication
    and its common uses and then incorporate con-
    tent under the subheadings “How These Med-
    ications Work,” “Therapeutic Applications,” and
    “Risks and Side Effects.”

    • Entries for diagnostic proceduresbegin with a
      general discussion of the test or procedure and
      then incorporate content under the subhead-
      ings “Reasons for Doing This Test,” “Prepara-
      tion, Procedure, and Recovery,” and “Risks and

Entries in Volume 4’s section “Emergency and
First Aid” are unique within the orientation of The
Facts On File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicinein
that they feature instructional rather than infor-
mational content. These entries do notreplace
appropriate training in emergency response
and first aid methods. Rather, these entries pro-
vide brief directives that are appropriate for guid-
ing the actions of a person with little or no first aid
training who is first on the scene of an emergency.
Each volume concludes with a complete, full
index for the sections and entries within the vol-
ume. Volume 4 of The Facts On File Encyclopedia of
Medicine contains a comprehensive index for all
four encyclopedia volumes that researchers can
use to quickly and easily determine which vol-
umes contain desired sections or entries.

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