Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

overdose 4: 165
parenting 4: 249
physical activity
recommendations 4:228–229
rhabdomyoma 1: 353
scoliosis 1:354, 355
triceps skinfold 4: 307
verbal apraxia 1:225–226
vision impairment 1:122–123
child-resistant containers 4:166,
China, ancient 2:6, 304
Chinese medicine 4:52, 56
chiropractic 1:365, 378; 4:63–64, 65
chlamydia 1:80, 352; 2:317, 317 t;
3:248, 277
Chlamydiasp. 1:352; 3: 184
chloasma 1:145
chloral hydrate 4:327–328, 328 t
chlordiazepoxide (Librium) 3:359;
4:319, 330
cholecystectomy 3: 6 , 22–23, 23 t,
cholelithiasis 3:46, 189
cholera 2:317–318
cholestasis 3:23–24, 23 t, 84
cholesteatoma 1:15, 48
cholesterol, dietary 2:36, 49; 4:181
cholesterol, endogenous 3:24
cholesterol blood levels 1:124, 211;
2:35–37, 35 t, 36 t;3:24, 119, 135,
160, 303
apoB100 2:16–17
atherosclerosis 2:21, 22
atherosclerotic plaque 2: 22
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 16
diabetes and cardiovascular
disease 2:48–49
exercise and health 4: 221
garlic 4: 69
green tea 4: 74
heart attack 2: 57
hyperlipidemia 2:64–66
hypertension 2: 67
lifestyle and cardiovascular
health 2: 73
nutrients 4:191, 192
nutrition and diet 4:174–175
rickets 4: 199
soy 4: 98
soy and cardiovascular health
triglyceride blood level 2: 112
triglycerides, dietary 4:202, 203
chondritis 1:318

chondrocyte 1:293, 298, 316
chondroitin 1:366; 4:64, 72
chordee 3:188, 197, 262, 263
chorea 1:241–242
chorionic gonadotropin 3:115
chorionic villi sampling (CVS)
1:155; 3: 244 , 262–263; 4: 130
choroid 1:113, 120
chromatid 4: 116 , 116–117,140,
chromosomal disorders 2:63, 143;
3:243, 244, 296, 335; 4:117–119
chromatid 4: 117
chromosome 4: 119
congenital anomaly 4: 120
genetic counseling 4: 128
genetic disorder 4: 128
genetic imprinting 4: 129
genetics and molecular medicine
4: 110
genetic testing 4: 130
mosaicism 4: 134
replication error 4: 139
translocation 4: 143
chromosome 1 4:132, 138
chromosome 4 1:256, 298
chromosome 6 2:267, 282
chromosome 15 4:129, 142
chronic fatigue syndrome
1:369–370; 4: 98
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) 2:199–201, 200 t;
3: 350
aging and physical ability/fitness
4: 215
anthracosis 2: 183
breathing exercises 2: 194
bronchitis 2: 196
cannabis 4: 327
cyanosis 2: 46
dyspnea 2: 203
interstitial lung disorders 2: 205
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 2: 207
oxygen-carbon dioxide
exchange 2: 216
pneumoconiosis 2: 220
pulmonary fibrosis 2: 226
smoking and pulmonary disease
2: 230
thoracotomy 2: 232
tobacco 4: 353
chronic organ rejection 4:271, 272
chronic pain 1:370–371, 371 t;
3:334, 355, 384
acute pain 1: 363

adhesive capsulitis 1:298–299
aging and changes in pain
perception 1:364, 365
alternative methods for pain
relief 1: 365
analgesic medications 1: 367
biofeedback 4: 60
cervical spondylosis 1:316–317
complex regional pain syndrome
fentanyl 4: 334
fibromyalgia 1:321–322
living with pain 1:378
magnet therapy 4: 81
maldynia 1:378–379
methadone 4: 342
neural blockade 1: 380
neurolysis 1: 380
polymyositis 1: 350
prescription drug abuse 4: 349
psychogenic pain 1: 383
temporomandibular disorders
TENS 1:384–385
trigger-point injection 1: 385
chyme 3:3, 36, 45, 46
cicatricial pemphigoid 1:79, 87
cigar 4:306, 345
cigarettes. Seesmoking
cigarette smoking. Seesmoking and
cancer; smoking and health
cilia 1:15; 2:230, 233
CIN. Seecervical intraepithelial
ciprofloxacin 2:353, 360
circadian cycle 1:65; 3:101, 116,
151, 154, 382, 384; 4:88, 89
circle of Willis 2: 5 , 37
circumcision 3:263–264
balanitis 3: 248
cancer of the penis 3: 256
chordee 3: 262
genital trauma 3: 287
paraphimosis 3: 316
penis 3: 318
phimosis 3: 319
circumflex artery 2:40–41, 43
cirrhosis 1:221; 3: 16 , 24–25,55,
83, 133; 4:89, 149
cisterna chyli 2:134, 149 , 155 , 165 ,
CJD. SeeCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease
class 1 obesity 4:300, 309
class 2 obesity 4:283, 293, 300
class 3 obesity 4:283, 293, 300,
302, 310

Index 459
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