Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

heart attack 2: 57
stress test 2: 106
torsade de pointes 2: 111
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
3:367, 372, 375
electrocution 4:372
electroencephalogram (EEG)
1:253–254; 3: 384
electrolarynx 1:21, 64
aging and urinary system
changes 3: 175
Fanconi’s syndrome 3: 190
gastrointestinal system 3: 4
kidneys 3: 201
RTA 3: 219
uremia 3: 221
urinary system 3:171, 172
urine 3: 227
electrolytes 1:365; 4:105, 184, 217,
electrophysiology study (EPS) 2:53
electroretinography 1:87
embryo 1:212; 3:272–273, 283 ,
embryonic development 1:125, 293
emergencies, medical
abdominal pain 3: 9
acute pain 1: 363
Addison’s disease 3: 106
allergic asthma 2: 240
allergic conjunctivitis 2: 241
allergy testing 2: 244
ambulatory surgery 4: 260
aneurysm 2: 11
angioedema 2: 245
appendicitis 3: 15
arrhythmia 2: 17
aspirin therapy 2: 21
back pain 1: 306
bariatric surgery 4: 287
Bell’s palsy 1: 228
black eye 1: 74
bleeding control 4: 362
bowel atresia 3: 20
brain hemorrhage 1:233–234
burns 4: 363
CAD 2: 43
cardiac arrest 4: 371
cardiovascular disease
prevention 4: 16
concussion 1: 245
contact toxins 4: 382
corneal injury 1:81
cough 1: 18
dehydration 4: 375

depression 3: 371
disulfiram 4: 333
ectopic pregnancy 3: 271
electrocution 4: 372
emergency and first aid 4:355,
encephalitis 2: 323
epiglottitis 1:21–22
eye pain 1: 90
fracture 1: 322
frostbite 4:375, 376
glaucoma 1: 92
glossitis 1: 25
gunshot wounds 4:377–378
headache 1: 373
heart attack 2:56, 57
heat exhaustion 4: 375
heat stroke 4: 375
herniated nucleus pulposus
1: 326
hypersensitivity reaction 2: 268
hypertension 2: 66
ileus 3: 61
ingested toxins 4:383, 384
inhalation burns 4: 365
inhaled toxins 4:384, 385
injected toxins 4: 385
intussusception 3: 64
major trauma 4: 377
motor vehicle accidents
multiple trauma 4: 379
nasogastric aspiration and lavage
3: 77
nephrolithiasis 3: 208
orbital cellulitis 1:106
organ transplantation 4: 271
overdose 4: 164
pancreatitis 3: 80
paraphimosis 3: 315
pericarditis 2: 95
peritonitis 3: 82
pharyngitis 1: 45
photophobia 1: 108
poisoning 4:381, 382
radiation and biochemical
injuries 4: 386
retinal detachment 1: 113
Reye’s syndrome 1:279–280
SAMe 4: 97
shock 4: 367
spinal cord injury 1: 283
stroke 2: 107
stupor 1: 285
symptom assessment and care
triage 4:359–360

syncope 2: 108
testicular torsion 3: 346
thyroid storm 3: 165
toothache 1: 57
toxic megacolon 3: 93
toxic shock syndrome 2: 357
trauma prevention 4: 48
traumatic amputation 4: 380
urticaria 1: 206
ventricular fibrillation 2:116
vision impairment 1: 123
emergency and first aid
burns, bleeding, breaks
cardiac arrest 4:371–373, 371 t
drowning 4:368–370
first response 4:357–360
heat and cold injuries
major trauma 4:377–380
overview 4:355–356
poisoning 4:381–385
radiation and biochemical
injuries 4:386
emesis. Seevomiting
emesis center 3:77, 94
emphysema 2:199, 216
enamel 1:358; 4: 306
encephalitis 1:6, 33, 272;
2:322–323, 322 t, 345 , 350
encephalopathy 1:218, 233, 254,
254 t, 280
endarterectomy 2: 35 , 53, 106
endocarditis 2:13, 39, 53–54, 54 t;
4: 312
endocardium 2:4, 53–55, 54, 88
endocrine disorders 3:119,
126–127, 131, 136, 143, 237
endocrine gland 3:79, 96, 125,
153–156, 162
endocrine system 2:273, 366;
3:96–168, 97 , 144 , 159 , 291
end of life concerns 1:223–225,
233, 277, 384; 4:43, 95, 182–183,
endolymphatic hydrops. See
Ménière’s disease
endometrial cancer 2:372, 373,
381; 3: 182 , 273–275, 273 t
endometrial hyperplasia 3:269,
273 , 275–276
endometriosis 3: 129 , 276–277
endometrium 3:241, 268, 273, 292,
endorphin 1:362, 371, 379

Index 467
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