Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

apoB100 16–17
cholesterol blood levels 36
diet and cardiovascular health
homocysteine 64
obesity and cardiovascular
disease 89–90
smoking and cardiovascular
disease 105
RNA 334, 338, 361, 362
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
routine medical examination
52–53, 58, 378, 380, 383
rubella 40, 245, 351
rubeola. Seemeasles

saliva 295, 332, 344
salivary glands 294–295, 345
salmonellosis 352
SALT (skin-associated lymphoid
tissue) 284, 295
SA node. Seesinoatrial node
sarcoidosis 193, 198, 293–294,
293 t, 319
sarcoma 391, 391, 391 t
SARS (severe acute respiratory
syndrome) 181, 353
scarlet fever 352–353
scarring 199, 214, 219, 226
scar tissue 230, 266, 291
SCC. Seesquamous cell carcinoma
SCID (severe combined
immunodeficiency) 294
SCLC (small-cell lung cancer) 208,
self antigens 237, 246, 282, 296
self cells 235–237, 246, 267, 364
sentinel lymph node dissection
150, 151, 155, 391
septal defect 38, 63
septicemia 349, 353
severe acute respiratory syndrome
(SARS) 181, 353
severe combined immunodeficiency
(SCID) 294
sexual activity and cardiovascular
disease 104
sexual intercourse 317, 328, 330
sexually transmitted disease (STD)
prevention 330, 335, 337
sexually transmitted diseases
chlamydia 317
genital herpes 327–329

gonorrhea 329–330
HPV 336–337
syphilis 355–356
trichomoniasis 358
shigellosis 353
shingles. Seeherpes zoster
sickle cell disease 121, 125, 157,
165, 165–167, 170
sick sinus syndrome 104
SIDS. Seesudden infant death
signs and symptoms of cancer 148,
155, 391–392
silicosis 229–230, 230 t
anthracosis 183
asbestosis 185
byssinosis 198
COPD 199
interstitial lung disorders 205
pneumoconiosis 219
sinoatrial (SA) node 104–105
AV node 23
bundle branch 25
bundle branch block 26
cardiac cycle 28
heart 4
PAT 94
sick sinus syndrome 104
sinusitis 201, 294
Sjögren’s syndrome 294–295
allergic dermatitis 241–242
angioedema 245
cyanosis 46
graft vs.host disease 263
normal flora 346
platelet 119
radiation therapy 388
skin-associated lymphoid tissue
(SALT) 284, 295
skin test 359, 360
SLE. Seesystemic lupus
sleep apnea 223, 234
small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) 208,
small intestine
amebiasis 307
cholera 317
cyclosporiasis 320
5ASA medications 260
giardiasis 329
Peyer’s patches 289
typhoid fever 360
smallpox 237, 298, 304, 353–354

smoking and cancer 392
cancer risk factors 370
carcinogen 374
CEA 374
lifestyle and cancer 382–383
lung cancer 208, 211, 212
smoking and cardiovascular disease
19, 22, 49, 72, 105, 212
Smoking and Health: Report of the
Advisory Committee to the Surgeon
General of the Public Health Service
105, 230
smoking and pulmonary disease
asbestosis 185
atelectasis 191
bronchitis 196, 197
COPD 199, 201
living with chronic pulmonary
conditions 207
pleurisy 219
pneumoconiosis 219
smoking cessation 72, 105, 200
smooth muscle 77, 233
sneeze/cough etiquette 354
sodium 47, 80, 81
sodium channel blocker 18t,76,
82, 82t, 86 t
soilborne illness 318–319, 333
soy and cardiovascular health 106,
106 t
soy isoflavones 379t
spasm 101, 204
spleen 167, 167
aging, changes in the blood and
lymph that occur with
bone marrow 132
erythrocyte 137
erythrocytes 119
hematopoiesis 140
immune system 235
leukocyte 148
MAbs 283
platelet 119, 163
splenectomy 168
splenomegaly 168
T-cell lymphocyte 296
splenectomy 168, 168, 168 t
babesiosis 311
immune disorders 272
spleen 167
splenomegaly 168
thalassemia 169
thrombocythemia 170
thymectomy 172

Index 425
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