Facts on File Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine

(Jeff_L) #1

splenomegaly 143, 160, 164, 168,
168 t, 345
sputum 231
bronchiectasis 195
bronchitis 196
Legionnaires’ disease 206
lung abscess 208
pneumonia 219
trachea 233
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
208, 365
staging and grading of cancer 232,
391, 392–393, 392 t, 393 t
Staphylococcus aureus221, 357
statins 57, 82, 82t
STDs. Seesexually transmitted
stem cell 122, 130
stem cell transplantation 159, 276,
stenosis 113, 114
stent 13, 45, 106
sternum 4, 62, 91, 233
stethoscope 106,191, 194
stillbirth 341, 355
stomach 134, 265, 267
stomach cancer 284, 370, 374
strep throat 103, 114, 338,
354–355, 355 t
streptococcal bacteria 103, 352,
streptokinase 83, 110
streptomycin 305, 359
stress and stress management 205,
266, 290, 291, 296
stress test 31, 74, 106
stroke 107–108
aneurysm 11
angioplasty 13
anticoagulation therapy 13
aspirin therapy 20
atherosclerosis 21
atrial fibrillation 22
cardiac catheterization 28
cardiac rehabilitation 30
carotid stenosis 35
coagulation 136
endarterectomy 53
heredity and heart disease 64
hypertension 66
living with cardiovascular
disease 73
medications to treat
cardiovascular disease 83
smoking and cardiovascular
disease 105

smoking and pulmonary disease
TIA 111
sudden cardiac death 108
CAD 43
cardiomyopathy 32
congenital heart disease 39
heredity and heart disease 63
sarcoidosis 293
torsade de pointes 111
syndrome 117
sudden infant death syndrome
(SIDS) 121, 184
superior vena cava 4, 115
suppressor T-cells 253, 254, 296
Surgeon General’s Report. See
Smoking and Health: Report of the
Advisory Committee to the Surgeon
General of the Public Health Service
surgery benefit and risk assessment.
See specific forms of surgery, e.g.:
open heart surgery
surgery for cancer 370, 386, 391,
swallowing disorders 222, 234
syncope 108–109
blood pressure 24
hypotension 67–68
palpitations 93
PAT 94
sick sinus syndrome 104
TIA 111
syndrome 116
syphilis 130, 355–356
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
295–296, 296 t
antiphospholipid antibodies 249
complement cascade 256
immunoglobulin 275
immunosuppressive medications
immunosuppressive therapy
Sjögren’s syndrome 294
thymus 120–121, 172
systole 34, 41, 54, 70, 217
systolic measure 24, 66

tachycardia 17, 55, 223
tachypnea 181, 191, 199, 223, 232
Takayasu arteritis 301t
tamponade, cardiac 95, 110

taxanes 376, 376t
T-cell lymphocyte 296
aging, changes in the blood and
lymph that occur with 123
aging, effects on immune
response 239
antibody-mediated immunity
antigen 246
BALT 251
berylliosis 192
cell-mediated immunity 253
clusters of differentiation 254
graft vs.host disease 264, 265
HIV/AIDS 334, 335
hypersensitivity reaction 268,
immune system 235–237
immunotherapy 276
interferons 278
lymph node 151
lymphocyte 151
lymphokines 281
lymphoma 152
MALT 284
MHC 282
NALT 287
thymectomy 172
thymus 120–121, 172
tear glands (Sjögren’s syndrome)
testosterone 372, 381
tetracycline 318, 330, 350
tetralogy of Fallot 34, 39
TGA (transposition of the great
arteries) 6, 39
TGFs (transforming growth factors)
thalassemia 121, 125, 169–170
thiazide diuretics 81, 81t
thoracentesis 232
thoracic cavity 212, 214, 218,
thoracic duct 149, 155, 165, 170,
thoracotomy 213, 232–233
three-day measles. Seerubella
bronchoscopy 197
HPV 336
measles 343
pertussis 349
rheumatic heart disease 103
strep throat 354–355
trachea 233
throat culture 354, 355

426 Index

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