How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
computer viruses, 126
programs to detect, 126–27
Comte, Auguste, 29–30
conclusions, leaping to unsupported, 76
Condorcet, Marquis de, 208–9
Condorcet paradox, 209, 210, 211, 218
conjugate variables, 57, 62
Connections (Burke), x
conservation of energy, law of, see
thermodynamics, first law of
conservation of mass, law of, 186
consistent sets of axioms, 23–25, 117
arithmetic axioms, 119–22, 123–24
propositional logic, 117–19, 123
Contact (Sagan), 173
continuum, the, 20
continuum hypothesis (CH), 20 –21, 24, 
25–26, 33, 111, 117, 127, 240
future research, 25–26
Cook, Stephen, 163, 164 –65, 242
tough cookies of, 164–66, 168
Cooke, Jack Kent, 7–8
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 111
Cosmos (Sagan), x
Coulomb’s law, 34
counterintuitive results, xvii, 52, 53
counting, 13, 15
Crawford, William, 206
Crelle’s Journal, 93 
cube, doubling the, see doubling the cube
cube roots, 83

Dalton, John, 134
Dawkins, Richard, 199
de Broglie, Louis, 49–50
decimal (base-10) number system, 172
normal number in, 174
decoherence problem, 167

decreasing time processing, 156–57
deity, proofs of existence or
nonexistence of a, 244–45
de Kruif, Paul, 242
delayed-choice experiment, 51, 52
del Ferro, Scipione, 83–85, 88
democracies, vote tabulation methods 
in, see vote tabulation methods
DePodesta, Paul, 8
“depressed cubics,” 83–88
Descartes, René, 35
deterministic events, 170, 176
Detroit Tigers, 8
differential equations, solving, 179
differential geometry, 149
digraphs, 3, 5, 6, 164–65
Dirac, Paul, 135, 136, 142, 147
discontinuous function, 178
Discourse on Method (Descartes), 35
DNA computing, 167, 168
doubling the cube, 73, 239
ancient Greeks and, 69, 70
Galois theory and, 95
Druhl, Kai, 54

École Polytechnique, 73, 94
Eddington, Sir Arthur, 63, 146
Egypt, ancient, solution of linear
equations, 82–83
Einstein, Albert, 14, 55, 60–61, 124, 
143 – 4 4
hidden variables and, 61, 62
Kaluza and, 146–47
Nobel Prize, 49
photoelectric effect and, 45, 48–49
theory of relativity, see relativity, 
theory of
unified field theory and, xix, 147, 148

252 Index

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