How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1


Blind Watchmaker, The (Dawkins), 199
Bohr, Niels, 30, 42, 45, 61, 219
“solar system” model of the atom, 55
Bollobas, Bela, 166
Bolyai, János, 106, 108 –10, 111
Bolyai, Wolfgang (a.k.a. Farkas Bolyai),
108, 109
Bolzmann, Ludwig, 187–88, 195
Bonds, Barry, 49
Borel’s normal number theorem, 175
bosons, 137, 146
Boswell, James, 63
Bowditch, Nathaniel, 96
Brahe, Tycho, 76
Brenner, Charles, xi
Brief History of Time, A (Hawking), xx
Bunsen, Robert, 30, 49
Burke, James, x
Burr, Aaron, 205
Bush, George W., 216
butterf ly effect, 178
discovery of, 179–80
“buy the best” algorithm for profes-
sional sports, 7–8

calculus, 89, 116, 149, 162
development of, 145
fundamental theorem of, 42
Cantor, Georg, 18–20, 111
Cantor diagonal proof, 20, 21, 43
Cantor set, 20
Cardano, Giambattista, 89
Cardano, Girolamo, 86–87, 88, 89
cardiac arrhythmia, 182, 183
cardinal number of a set, 15–16
infinite sets, 19–20, 21
card-sorting problem, 158–59
Carnot, Nicolas, 187, 188

Casti, John, x
catastrophe theory, 243
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis, 90, 94
Cayley numbers, 32
celestial mechanics, xiii
Celestial Mechanics (Laplace), 96
Challenger disaster, 186
Champernowne, David, 174
Champernowne constant, 174 –75
Chandler wobble, 30
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 196
chaos, defined, 176
chaos theory, 155, 176–83, 240, 243
applications of, 182–83
chemical energy, 187
chemistry, 46
beginning of theoretical, 186
chess, 239
choice function, 22
City College of New York, 214
Clarke, Arthur C., 242
Clausius, Rudolf, 187
Clay, Henry, 206
Clay, Pete, xi
Clay Mathematics Institute, 1–2
Clemenceau, Georges, 99
Clifford, William, 111
climate f lipping, 182–83
Coble, Arthur, 97
Cohen, Paul, 24, 25
coin f lipping, 171–72, 173
Collatz conjecture, 129–30
Colletti, Nick, 8
Columbia University, 214
combinatorics, 35
commutative group, 92–93
compass, 68, 69, 71, 73
complex numbers, 32, 83, 136
complex-valued functions, 136 –37
compound statements, 117–18

Index 251 
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