How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
Nazi Germany, 45–46, 49, 124
nearest neighbor algorithm, 160 –62, 
negative numbers, 83
Neptune, discovery of, 31
network routing problems, determina-
tion of costs in, xvii, 235
neutrinos, 140, 148
Newcomb, Simon, 30
new states paradox, 232–33, 235
Newton, Isaac, 142, 143
calculus developed by, 145
law of gravitation, 31, 32, 34, 76, 
143 – 4 4, 145
optics and, 46, 47
Principia, 106, 14 4, 145
publication of results, attitude 
toward, 106
scientific method formulated
by, 143
New York Times, 31, 129
New York Yankees, 8
Nicholas of Cusa, 211
“Nightfall,” 242
Nobel Prize, 1, 36, 45, 49, 136,
148, 217
nondeterministic term, 170
non-Euclidean geometry
discovery of, 104, 105–12
the universe as Euclidean or
non-Euclidean, 112–13
nonlinear phenomena, 180, 243
normal numbers, 173, 175–76
Novikov, Andrei, 129
Novikov, Petr, 129
Novikov, Serge, 129
numerical analysis, 98
numerical total method for determin-
ing winner in rank-order voting,
21 1, 213

Oakland, California, instant-runoff
voting in, 211
Oakland Athletics, 8
Olbers, Heinrich, 108
One, Two, Three... Infinity (Gamow),
x, 192
On the Foundations of Geometry
(Lobachevsky), 110
Oppenheimer, Robert, 196
oracle at Delos, 69

Paley, William, 199
“Pangeometry, or a Summary of the 
Geometric Foundations of a 
General and Rigorous Theory of
Parallels,” 111
parabola, 70
Paradigms Lost (Casti), x
parallel computing, 167
parallel postulate, 24–25, 26, 75, 102–3, 
107–11, 240
parallel universes, 138
particle accelerators, 143
Pascal, Blaise, 29
passwords, xvii
patterns, 76
hidden, xviii
in numbers, ix–x
Peano, Giuseppe, 120 –22
Peano’s axioms, 120 –22, 123, 130, 
Penzias, Arno, 38
Perelman, Grigori, 238
periodic table of elements, discovery of, 
134 –35
gaps in the table, 135
permutation group, 90

258 Index

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