How Math Explains the World.pdf

(Marcin) #1
author’s, 241– 42
of limitations of knowledge and 
achievement in the physical world, 
preference intensity method, 207
presidential elections, U.S., 205–6, 216,
218, 228
prey-predator populations, interplay 
between, 180–82
prime numbers, xvi–xvii, 76
Princeton University, 124
Principia (Newton), 106, 144, 145
principle of mathematical induction,
120 –22
Principles of Political Economy (New-
comb), 30
priority-list scheduling, 4–7, 157, 241
probabilistic concept of expectation, 29
probability, 51, 169, 170, 192
probability density functions, 136–37
Proceedings of the American Mathemati-
cal Society, 107 
Proclus, 103, 104
product, 91
progress in mathematics, cumulative, 
proofs, mathematical, xv
impossible solutions and continued 
formulation of, 71
indirect, 101–2, 104
naming of, 20
proper subset, 15, 16
propositional logic, 117–19.123, 164
Protagoras, 13
pseudosphere, 112
Pták, Vlastimil, 107
Pták-Stein theorem, 107
Ptolemy, 111
publication of results, 106–7, 110, 111

punctuated equilibrium theory, 217
pyramid investment clubs, 17
Pythagoras, 42, 67, 74
Pythagorean theorem, 42

quadratic equations, solution of, 83
quadratic formula, 83
quantum chromodynamics, 146,
148 – 49
quantum computing, 167, 168
quantum electrodynamics, 146
quantum eraser experiments, 54–55
quantum gravity, theory of, 35, 36
quantum mechanics, xvii, 34–35,
41–54, 148–49, 240
entanglement, 58–63
Planck and, 45
randomness in, 171
uncertainty principle, see uncertainty 
unresolved mysteries of, 62–63
views of Pythagoreans and, 76 –77
wave-particle duality, 46–55
quantum theory of gravity, 146
quaternions, 32
quintic, solution of the, 8–9, 89–97,
insolvability of the general quintic by 
radicals, 93–96, 239

radicals, 83
radioactivity, 148
RAND Corporation, 214
randomness, 169, 170 –71, 240
random penny, 171–72, 173
random variable, 170

260 Index

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